Is the US contact policy in the United States failed?Standing from the most priority perspective in the United States, such a conclusion cannot be drawn.In China's development, the United States has benefited a lot, blaming domestic distribution, unemployment and other issues in China. It is extremely unfair to spread technology as theft of intellectual property rights.(Figure/pixabay)

On October 21, 1975, Mao Zedong met with the US Secretary of State Kissinger at Zhongnanhai. The main purpose of the latter was to pave the way for Ford President to visit China at the end of the year.The day before, Kissinger once said to Deng Xiaoping: The relationship between China and the United States is based on a sound basis, because they have nothing to do with each other.

Mao Zedong obviously mastered this detail, and didn't take it for granted.Kissinger recalled: He strongly criticized my nonsense and said: lsquo; If both parties have nothing to do with each other, what do you do to Beijing?Why do we receive you and your president?rsquo;

As this scripture and blood, it is pointed out that the Sino -US Cold War period across ideological confrontation to restart contact is because there are huge strategic needs.

Unfortunately, history is often ignored.And the amazing ignorance of history, the opening of the river, or the distorted distorted is precisely the common style of many senior officials of the Trump administration, or it may be a way they express their admiration and follow.

However, other people who have a little understanding of the history of China -US exchanges, see the article published by the US Foreign Relations Commission Chairman Richard Middot; Has published in the Washington Post: Pompeo does not understand China, Nison and US foreign policy policiesThen you will smile.

On July 23, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo took the two careful thinking of the President's embarrassment and locking in the future of China. In front of California's Nesheson Library, he imitated big characters such as Churchill and Dulles and published.A passionate anti -China speech.If it is not from the mouth of the Secretary of State, this kind of speech is difficult to treat it seriously, because it is based on serious misunderstandings and inappropriate emotions; it is by no means based on history and facts.

Pompeo issued a soul questioning: What can the American people show their results after 50 years of contact with China?Does our leader imagine whether China has confirmed the theory of China's evolution of freedom and democracy?

The following is a simple answer:

I. The United States' nearly 50 years of policies against China is generally contact+curb model.It was never just contact, and gave up curbing.During the good period of bilateral relations, contacts seem to dominate, and curbs are hidden.You don't have to feel sad, regret the loss yesterday.

Second, Neson's restarting contact with China is not the theory of believing in China to evolve from freedom and democracy.China has never made any similar commitments so far. On the contrary, it has been claiming and emphasized that it is necessary to take its own path.

Third, the above ideas come from the desire of the latecomers (both the United States and China).Especially in the 1990s, after China's reform and opening up made tremendous progress, Sino -US relations have been heated again after twists and turns, and similar theories and ideas have gradually become popular.

4. The huge Chinese market in the US business community puts tremendous pressure on the US government to promote China to join the WTO.In order to persuade Congress and public opinion, the Clinton government has used the above theory and vision as a powerful reason.The main role of this theory is self -consolation to overcome the psychological obstacles that exist when the American society exists in China.This obstacle comes from the stimulus of the Soviet Union in the Cold War, but the Chinese have found that they still have to face after the Cold War.

5. Even after that, the American government has never practically guided China's evolution as the main content of China.The actual problems such as economic and trade exchanges, Northeast Asia, anti -terrorism cooperation, and response to the global financial crisis are the focus of contact and cooperation between the two parties.Therefore, it is not necessary to be sad for a false and frustration of China policies that have never been really implemented.This is very arrogant.

6. What are the achievements that the American people can show after 50 years of contact with China?It is huge and rich, only the large end of it:

After changing the Cold War pattern, the United States finally pulled out from Vietnam's mud, working together to fight the Soviet Union and eventually won the Cold War.

Accelerated the economic globalization dominated by the United States, the American business community has obtained a broad market, cheap labor, and an unimaginable profit that follows cheap products.A large investment in China (including the purchase of US bonds) has reduced the cost of US capital.Washe the employment opportunities of Americans?The industrial transfer undertaken by China mostly comes from countries and regions such as Japan, East Asia, and other countries, not Greenland investment in the United States.

China has participated in and consolidated the world order of the Cold War led by the United States.Including support and collaboration against the counter -terrorism war, cracking down on Islamic extreme forces.Stabilize the situation in Northeast Asia.Participate in global peacekeeping operations, crack down on pirates, and respond to the African public health crisis.

China has become a new engine of the global economy.After the global financial crisis, China purchased more than 4,000 US US debt a year, and invested in infrastructure construction on a large scale, expanded its production capacity, and supported the United States and the world.Instead, fierce criticism.In the past 10 years, the contribution rate of China's economy to global growth has remained at about 30%.

Is the US contact policy in the United States failed?Standing from the most priority perspective in the United States, such a conclusion cannot be drawn.In China's development, the United States has benefited a lot, blaming domestic distribution, unemployment and other issues in China. It is extremely unfair to spread technology as theft of intellectual property rights.

Of course, the success or failure of the policy should be evaluated based on the goal.There have been some people in American society, which will guide China to the meaning of freedom and democracy as the question of relations with China, and insist on using this as an important latitude to evaluate the success or failure of policies.Although it does not conform to the historical context, it is still a market -wide social psychology.Among them, many people really have good intentions.It is precisely that they need to communicate with them.

The United States' contact policy to China has no failure at all even if it measures the standards for China to measure freedom and democratic evolution.Instead, it has achieved great success.However, this success has some differences with their ideas.

Not to mention, compared with the era of Nison's door in 1972, compared with around 2000, Chinese society is very different in openness, tolerance, democracy, freedom, etc.At that time, I just graduated from college and then worked in colleges for many years.Recalling the concepts of young people, employment and choice of lifestyle at that time, sexual behavior, attitude towards homosexual groups, etc., it seems too conservative and narrow today.It is difficult to say that changes are progress, but today young people really have a broader and more diversified choice space, and society is also very tolerant of this.

Even young people who work in old systems such as state organs and enterprises and institutions are different from 20 years ago.They demand more respect, freedom rather than instructions, restrictions, and more good at expressing rather than obedience. They love rest rather than overtime.This is a subtle way to change the temperament of the old system.Young people in private enterprises need not be said.

If you look at these 20 years of changes in history, the concepts of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and will be respected as the core values of socialism.Individual free choice space has greatly expanded, the progress of the rule of law is very obvious, and the protection of property rights has also improved greatly. In terms of urban demolition and rural land acquisition, the government's rough behavior has greatly reduced.It is difficult to suppress corruption, but in recent years, under the severe political climate, it has greatly converged.

However, the practice of democracy is mainly at the grassroots level of urban and rural areas, and it is not ideal in scope, participation and actual effects.These progress is not straight, there are ups and downs, but they still rise up.The important thing is that the government and society are clear and firm for the above development orientation, and most of the controversy lies in the path and method.

If these profound social changes are ignored, and the political system of stubborn one person, one vote, is the only scale of the evolution of freedom and democracy.More democratic content, hope to expand more personal freedom and social toleranceA degree, continuing to stimulate social creativity, disappointed.And against the extreme conservatives of Chinese society, their pain in the past 50 years has long been overwhelming, and they need to call back significantly.

Sending American society, those who are looking forward to China in the future must understand that China will not become the United States, especially in the political field.But in continuous contact, Chinese society will inevitably be closer to American society today, rather than the opposite.This is a common trend when different civilizations strengthen exchanges, and it is also what many Chinese are happy.

Is the US contact policy in the United States failed?This depends on how to evaluate.

In fact, Pompeo didn't care about it.By distorting history and reality and slandering China, and then denied contact policies, he has locked the Lingyan Pavilion's contributor to the Lingyan Pavilion.If Trump's re -election fails, Pompeo has also seized the last chance and took a big vote for a political capital, and he could run for the senators with peace of mind.

Pompeo himself succeeded. What failed was to contact China, as well as foreign policies, Sino -US relations, and even future world order.Dr. Kissinger kept silent.

(The author is a legal adviser to Cultural Communication Company in Jilin Province, China)