Wei Jun believes that internationalization is not only internationalization, but also an internationalization of ideas.Let the other party understand that the consistency of the interests of the two parties rather than conflict with each other is one of the most important parts of cross -border investment.

Wei Jun will never forget to set foot on the United States for the first time more than 30 years ago: from the National People's Congress, she is about to go to Harvard School to study. For the first time on the streets of San Francisco, I saw Curb CutThe slope device of the mouth is convenient for people to travel, and it also benefits people such as pedestrians such as boxes and people who push strollers.The sidewalk slope is not the first of California, but through the California's call, it has become law and promoted to the United States, which benefited countless people including non -disabled, and also produced a proprietary vocabulary: Curb Cut Effect.

At that time, everything made me novel, and it made me see how good laws promote the diversification of society.Wei Jun said that when I first came to the United States, I read the classic books of the British and American law system for the first time. For the first time, I observed their political system and judicial system. From daily life to reading work, I learned everything around me.Even dogs in the park have to lament the diversity of this country.As a legal person, I am a little disappointed in this country. I think its diversification, its democracy, and the glory of freedom are weakening.

As the Chairman of the Greater China Business of Hawking Road, Wei Jun has been committed to cross -border investment, multinational mergers and acquisitions, and international trade after graduating from Harvard University in 1990.Wei Jun said that there are many reasons for her joining the world's top laws. The important point is that I think my thoughts are in line with the concept of free trade and globalization advocated by the institute.As the best International Trade Law Firm, Chamber, Hawkin Road Viagra has provided legal services for China to join the WTO. At present, it has more than 2,800 lawyers.Nearly 50 offices of Oceania have carried out business, and are the world's leadership in corporate, finance, intellectual property, litigation, arbitration and labor employment, as well as business restructuring and bankruptcy business.

In 2002, Wei Jun became the chief representative of the Hawking Hao Genju Found of Hawking Lu Weilu at the time.In the 30 years of employment, I have been walking between China and the United States, and I have seen the United States' attention and understanding of the Chinese market; I also see the efforts and deficiencies made by China after the reform and opening up, especially after joining the WTO, after joining the WTOEssenceWhat regrets me is that seeing the trend of Sino -US relations in recent years, especially after this new crown epidemic, I feel that in the future for a long time, China and the United States will become the norm in terms of political and economic confrontation.It may affect the formulation of China's economic policy in the entire Western world and even Southeast Asian countries and African countries.

In Wei Jun's view, the US Senate's recent foreign company's accountability bill is self -destroying the Great Wall.It should be seen that China's most developed companies are basically listed in the United States, and it has also brought returns to US investors.Once this bill is passed, this radical approach will cut off the investment income brought by China's good companies in the future.Wei Jun said.

Related data shows that in 2019, there are 17 accounting firms registered in PCAOB.13.4%of the GDP in China in 2019.The total market value of the 10 largest listed companies reached US $ 1400 billion.

Wei Jun said that although the House of Representatives and the signing of the White House can become a formal bill, she believes that she has reached a consensus on the United States Democratic Party and the Republican Party on China. Even if the bill is not passed, the United States in the capital market and the capital market and the capital market and the capital market andInternational mergers and acquisitions will also further curb Chinese companies.

As far as I know, China and the United States have always been negotiating on audit supervision. Wei Jun said that the bill was obviously too radical. Ruixing's counterfeiting was a fuse, and the main reason was that the relationship between Sino -US relations was increasingly tense.

Wei Jun said that the accountability bill of the foreign company has also had a certain impact on mergers and acquisitions against the US market. In the past, some mergers and acquisitions transactions through OTC transactions will also encounter increasing resistance. After this new crown epidemic, given to the protection of domestic domestic epidemic, in view of the protection of domestic domestic epidemic, in view of the protection of domestic domestic epidemic, in view of the protection of domestic domestic diseaseThe consideration of the supply chain, European countries have also begun to introduce various bills to tighten transnational mergers and acquisitions.What is even more worrying is that Western countries and Southeast Asian countries will also pay more and more attention to curbing China's global equity investment, and Chinese companies should be prepared for long -term globalization.

Her suggestion to Chinese enterprises is to start from self -examination and strengthen investment in compliance.Each country has the rules of each country, and this rule is the most basic thing and the deepest place. Wei Jun said that we always say that the establishment of a modern enterprise system, but in terms of corporate governance and compliance, China in China, China, ChinaThere is still a long way for enterprises to go. No matter where it is listed, the requirements for compliance are the first.

On the other hand, Wei Jun emphasized the importance of Lobbying.Internationalization is not only international internationalization, but also an internationalization of concept. This is a two -way process.Let the other party understand that the consistency of the interests of the two parties rather than conflict is one of the most important links to solve cross -border investment.Wei Jun said that the foreign economic environment, the political environment is intricate, and there are many interest groups. It is important to express himself reasonably and to persuade each other.

The same is true for cross -border investment mergers and acquisitions. Professionals help correctly express their own interests and demands.I hope that more Chinese companies can realize that the role and value of lawyers are more reflected outside the court. It is the last way to go to court.

Regardless of whether the White House can be released at the end of this bill, it has a negative impact. From the perspective of a series of policies issued by the US government, no matter which party comes to stage, it will be difficult for ChinaChange.More and more bills will be promulgated in LSquo; Politics is pre -rsquo; Chinese companies will face increasing pressure.Wei Jun said.

In 1990, Wei Jun, who studied Harvard School of Law, repeatedly encountered walls in his work interview.Once, I just stepped into a foot into the room. The other party saw me and said you were Japanese. Please enter.I'm sorry, I'm Chinese.The other party said that we do not recruit Chinese.I was rejected without even entering the door.Today, as one of the only global female directors in Hawking Luwei, Wei Jun has stood with his own strength at the pyramid tip of the top American law firm.I have experienced prejudice. I don't want to have been bias again on my eyes again after decades of globalization.