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As soon as the news of the National People's Congress of the National People ’s National People’ s Security Law came out, it shocked Hong Kong and Western countries.The Hong Kong opposition gathered the demonstration again and re -staged the scene of street violence last year.For a while, the entire Hong Kong people were heartbroken.In addition to worrying about the black violence, the turmoil is overwhelmed, and the end of the turmoil is over, and he is also worried that the Hong Kong National Security Fa will really weaken Hong Kong's freedom as the opposition says.

It can be said that this decision of the National People's Congress is no less influential than signing Sino -British joint statements that year, because this marks that Beijing has opened the process of substantial governance in Hong Kong.

Although the National Security Law is aimed at the acts such as the rebellion, the division of the country, the incitement of the rebellion, and the subverting the central government, and other acts that endangered the national security, due to the long -term stigma and demonization of the 23 Basic Law were constantly being stigmatized and demonized by the opposition, the prohibition of the rebels and subversion were subverted.The government is equivalent to infringing human rights and restrictions on freedom of speech, causing most Hong Kong people to doubt and fear it.This kind of doubt and fear will arouse greater struggle and turmoil under the manipulation of the opposition.At this time, minimizing the risk of turmoil to the minimum is the focus of the current central and special zone governments.To do this, in addition to the central government to promote the Hong Kong people to promote the Hong Kong National Security Law will not endanger normal speech freedom, it also needs the central government to appeal to the people.

In the historical reincarnation of China's thousands of years of regime change, after the new regime replaces the old regime, an Anmin notice will be posted to soothe the people's hearts.In addition to clarifying the necessity of overthrowing the old regime, the content of Anmin notice will also give the public's commitment to the people's interest -free interest -free benefits.

The return of Hong Kong's return is also a regime. In addition, Hong Kong has been ruled by the UK for more than 100 years. Many Hong Kong people have westernized ideas, and some people regard themselves as British overseas people.In addition, the values are different from the mainland. Their attitude towards returning is not only complicated, but also has a strong alert to the central government.In this case, when the central government returns, it is necessary to post a notice to Hong Kong. In addition to the significance and benefits of vigorously propagating the return, the most important thing is to send visible interests to the majority of Hong Kong people to soothe the people's hearts.

However, it has been 23 years, but because of emphasizing the principle of governing the Hong Kong people, the central government has ignored their national responsibilities in solving the issue of people's livelihood in Hong Kong, causing ordinary Hong Kong people to feel the benefits of returning.Although the central government has shot the SAR government to successfully get out of the crisis in the financial crisis, ordinary people have not felt this help.In a sense, the central government has not yet posted the Anmin notice of Hong Kong in the historical incident of returning to this regime.

To this day, the formulation of the Hong Kong National Security Law will undoubtedly cause Hong Kong people's doubts and panic about the central government.At this moment, the central government should especially make up for the people.In addition to loud that the National Security Law will not limit the freedom of remarks, it is also necessary to give Hong Kong people visible to the interests at the national level.

There are two functions of this. One is to dilute the emotions of Hong Kong people to hostile the central government.When the Central Central Committee's substantial interests return to the gift, Hong Kong people will also consider whether it should be or not worth it when the anti -central government should do so.The second is to be an opportunity to transfer the focus of public opinion in Hong Kong, and gradually revise Hong Kong from a political city as a city centered on economic construction.

At this year's People's Congress, Zheng Yaotang, a representative of the Hong Kong People's Congress, proposed that the central government referred to the Hengqin model to build a new district to Hong Kong to solve the problem of housing people's livelihood that has troubled Hong Kong people for many years.The author believes that this is a good move to establish a positive image from the central government. It is recommended that the central government adopts as soon as possible to fill the sea on the sea near Shenzhen to create an organs in Hong Kong.This is not only to transport the visible benefits to Hong Kong people in a timely manner, but also use this as an opportunity to transfer the focus of public opinion, so that the majority of Hong Kong people will gradually focus on development.

For so many years, the reason why Hong Kong has been chaotic is that the great reason is that political public opinion has long occupied the main part of the news.No one cares about economic construction. All the people discuss the whole people every day how to refuse 23 legislation, how to be alert to the central government in Hong Kong affairs, and how to strive for the true election in their minds.No one cares about the elderly living in the cage house carefully, and no one proposes to solve the problem and plan to solve this problem.Hong Kong housing problems have not been resolved for a long time, and it can be said that all politicians in Hong Kong have responsibility.Regardless of whether it is a opposition or an institutionalist, or a senior government official, neither has established the concept of asking politics for the people and governing for the people.At this time, Zheng Yaotang's proposal to lose Hong Kong was just the starting type of establishing a positive image.

Mencius said that seventy people eat meat and eat meat, Li Min is not hungry or cold, but it is not king, and there is no.

The author is Chinese judge