Early North to read

Han Yonghong

Matthew Pottinger, Vice National Security Counselor of the White House, said on the May 4th Youth Day on May 4th, he rarely delivered a 20 -minute pre -record speech in Chinese, and answered on -site questions about Sino -US relations in English.EssenceThis online academic seminar has the whole process and can be replayed.Bo Ming's shouting object is obviously a Chinese citizen that is thousands of miles away from the United States.

This is estimated to be the first time in history that American officials directly shouted to the Chinese people.Bo Ming's Chinese expression is beautiful and fluent, and he has a criticism of the CCP's political power, and he is even more shocked.For example, Bolness praised Li Wenliang, Aifen, Xu Zhangrun, Ren Zhiqiang, Xu Zhiyong, Ilhamu, Fang Fang, Catholic priest, and Hong Kong demonstrators to resist the courage to suppress suppression.He advocates that there are few Chinese nationalism and more civilianism, and believe that civilianism can shrink or exit privileges.He even said in the conclusion that the core of the May 4th spirit is to declare war from the traditional power structure, and the world will wait for the answer provided by the Chinese people.

Who is Boming?He is a China -President Trump, a former American reporter in China.As early as 2017, when Bolming, who was 43 years old, was appointed as a special assistant to the president and senior director of Asian affairs of the National Security Council, attracted the attention of Hong Kong and Taiwan and international media.The report described him as an opponent who scared Beijing.

After taking office, Bo Ming has maintained a very low -key style. Public information shows that he led a group to visit China in 2017 to participate in the Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum. It rarely accepted an exclusive interview with Caixin.com and accompanied Trump to visit China in the same year.In the past three years, Ritte Trump replaced four national security advisers, but Bo Ming was not affected and rose to the deputy country's consultant all the way, becoming Trump's second national security staff.It is said that this is related to his navy, obedience to instructions, and not to grab the style of grabbing the limelight.

However, in the past four years, the United States has become increasingly tough, and has launched a battle against China ’s science and technology war, trade war, and current virus origin theory and epidemic responsibility.The Washington Post quoted those familiar with the inside story and said that Bolness played a key role in the Trump administration's strategic adjustment to China.In 2017, in the drafting national security strategic documents, he officially positioned China as a strategic competitor in the United States and pointed out that Beijing was amended.It is said that when he communicated with his friends privately, he believed that China went to a totalitarian society.It is said that the crown disease is called the new crown virus as the idea of Bolming to Trump, and Trump, who is anxious to throw the pot, upgrades and is called Chinese virus.

Bo Ming's depth of China is not trusting in China, from his experience of working in China from the end of 1990s to 2005.He contributed to the Wall Street Journal of Laodong Family Wall Street in 2005 that he was repeatedly harassed while working in China.Official staff beaten.

Seven years after the reporter stationed in China, Bonming shot Congrong, overcome the disadvantaged of the over -aged and body, and became an intelligence personnel of the U.S. Marine Corps. He sent Afghanistan and Iraq to win military medals.His deeds show that he has perseverance. For example, in order to exercise the physical energy into the navy, he trained on the Great Wall to make himself into the emergency room.When he was young, he chose to repair Chinese at the University of Massachusetts, reflecting that Boming was an ideal youth who was full of enthusiasm for Chinese culture (of course, the family was also good), otherwise he would not choose such an unpopular department.In this week's online seminar, he also recalled in a ironic tone that all foreigners stationed in China at the end of 1990s enthusiastically supported China to succeed. Unfortunately, in his eyes, China's reform and opening up has completely ended.He believes that the international community allowed China to join the WTO in 2011, but instead eliminated the motivation of China's reform, because China no longer needs reform to achieve economic development.His speech quoted the classics, showing that he was well versed in China, but this speech did not have a great impact in China.This aspect is very limited because his speech has been spread under China's network supervision; secondly, today's Chinese Volkswagen, especially young people, are not as worship as Western civilization and democratic concepts as western.The passion of the May 4th youth.Today's Chinese youth pays more attention to the controversy of Houlang, as well as more complicated and urgent real needs, including housing loans, career development and raising children.

Furthermore, in the absence of the US crown disease and the intensification of the confrontation between China and the United States, senior White House officials need to persuade the Chinese people from the perspective of concept, which is not so simple.

But the story of Boming also highlights a reality: The current Zhihua school in the American elite no longer is no longer like Americans before the reform, and is full of sympathy for Chinese poverty and backwardness., Turn around this ancient civilization full of excitement, respect and longing.Conversely, the American elite world is more full of doubts about China's rise or shattered.Bo Ming is just one of them.

Perhaps China was not as expected, but they misleaded their mdash; mdash; China would not have taken the road of democracy and freedom in the West.But at the same time, China's changes in these years and the specific methods of treating Western journalists and scholars have turned their original friends into opponents. Now they influence the West in the political field on the road of being very friendly to China.It's even more regrettable.