Yu Zhi

Regarding the root causes and responsibility of the early stage of the 2019 Coronary Virus epidemic crisis, there are many reports, analysis and arguments in the media and the people, but the internal pushing of responsibility to the ownership of responsibilities has continued from Wuhan Fengcheng to the present, and netizens have been ridiculed to fight as strikes.Drum passing pot and shaking the pot.

The author believes that the initial period of the crisis of the Chinese crown disease is closely related to the official long -term internal and external loose crisis response model.This model is part of its overall stability maintenance model, but it has been repeatedly proven not only cannot be effectively prevented, but will expand the public crisis of the social governance.change.To this end, the government needs to change its own understanding, but also to enhance the people's supervision based on rights.

First, out of control in the early stage of the epidemic crisis is closely related to the crisis response mode of internal and external pine.

Many Chinese media, especially Caixin Media, conducted in -depth investigations and re -investigations of the initial development of the epidemic, trying to clarify the truth, and the root cause and responsibility of the epidemic failed to get timely prevented in the early stage.After each relevant report, there are relevant institutions, officials, or experts in relevant systems to clear their responsibilities, but they passively explain some facts.

Academician Zhong Nanshan disclosed at a press conference on February 27 that the relevant research institutions on February 27 have made it clear that the pneumonia pathogens have been clearly the new coronary virus.The Hubei and the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were reported.Caixin.com's press release on February 26 showed that the Shanghai Public Health Center reported the results of the virus test on January 5th to the National Health and Health Commission. On January 6, the National Disease Control Center launched a secondary emergency response.

These information explain a basic fact: Regarding the nature of the virus, the relevant government departments are known in the early days of the epidemic, and there are certain internal response measures; but at the time, there was no information on the public that the public was truthfully posted, and there was no public and powerful epidemic situation.Prevention and control measures.Officials are even easy to pretend to be outside. The two sessions are held as scheduled. The literary party and tea seminals and Wanjia banquets are not wrong, so that the best prevention and control time in the early stage of the outbreak is caused, and eventually causing a big disaster.

The question is why the relevant government departments do this?Although the author cannot answer it exactly, and there is no intention of speculating which government, which government, which department, or an official, is a logical explanation that the crisis response model of the tight and external loose internal and external pine in the official department is making a strange model.The government wants to work through internal efforts, including but not limited to launching internal emergency response, control and solving problems (internal tight), but it is not disclosed to the outside world, and even pretend to be relaxed and soothing the people.Will get out of control (outer pine).

In the early days of the epidemic, relevant departments and experts had two well -known public statements: the epidemic could be controlled and controlled, and the virus was not passed on.These two statements are considered to be an important question of misleading the public and delaying the prevention and control of the epidemic, but they are very smooth.It is said that the epidemic can be prevented and controlled because it can always find a way to control; and he has not made you not control. If the epidemic is out of control, it can be said that the prevention and control measures are not in place.The formal statement of people's non -conveying people is that there is no evidence of people who pass on the person. In the end, there may be people heir, but the evidence has not been found for the time being (whether it is true).Why do you make such a statement?The purpose is to appease the public (outer pine).

In the early days of the epidemic, Wuhan Police punished the eight doctors who revealed the information of the epidemic.Although this may be because the police did not realize the nature of the virus and the severity of the epidemic at the time, when the situation was unknown, professionals such as doctors disclosed the relevant information.To.

Second, the root cause and harm of internal and external loose crisis response models.

The internal and external loose crisis response model has a long history, and it is an integral part of China's official traditional stability maintenance model.The open starting point of this crisis response model is to prevent social panic and the secondary disaster that may occur.

However, behind this model, there is another reason to disclose publicly: worrying that the disclosure of social crisis may affect the government image and even ruling stability.The local government adheres to this model, and there is another consideration: worrying that the social and public crisis in the jurisdiction may cause accountability of the superior government.Therefore, for the problems that occur, they can cover them.

This crisis response model has proven to be failed by the previous crisis response practice, and it may lead to serious consequences.In the early days of SARS (Shas) in SARS, the National Health and Health Commission and the Beijing Municipal Government also adopted this model at the time, resulting in the outbreak of the epidemic.The crisis of the epidemic was exactly the same, and the consequences caused more than ten times that year.Falling twice in the same place, the lesson was heavy.

The reasons for the failure of this crisis response mode and the serious consequences are actually very simple:

First, if you want to achieve the effect of outer pine, when the government department takes internal and tight measures on crisis response, you dare not be bright and liberalized.Discounts lead to crisis out of control.

According to the information disclosed online, as early as January, the first -line doctors of the Wuhan epidemic prevention and control have suggested to the relevant local departments to establish a special hospital like Xiao Tangshan Hospital, which is similar to the SARS patients in Beijing in 2003.Suspected patients.However, the relevant departments believe that that will cause the public to know the severity of the epidemic and rejection, so as to take the best time to prevent the epidemic prevention and control.This is a typical example.

Second, outer pine can lead to the public paralysis of the public, and the loss of the loss of risks without taking strong protection measures, which leads to the out of control and greater disaster in crisis.The degree of degree is much more serious.

It is precisely because the official stated that the epidemic and the virus can be controlled and controlled and the people are not rumored, and the eight doctors who disclose the information of the epidemic have caused the people of Wuhan to have no wishes at all in the early days of the epidemic.The event, even held a tens of thousands of banquets as usual, did not wear a mask, and eventually caused a big crisis.

Third, change the internal tightness and outer pine for internal tightness: difficulties and countermeasures.

The core of the crisis response of internal and external loosening is different in inside and outside, the information is not disclosed, and the government is not transparent.In essence, this model violates the basic principles of the modern social governance system, that is, the principle of transparent information disclosure and the government.This model has many times that the Chinese government and the public have suffered, and must be resolutely abandoned.

Instead, it should be the opposite internal tightness and external, internal and external integration model: Any public events that may endanger the security of the public, from the beginning of the occurrence of the government, not only should be taken in the government in timeImplement the principle of information disclosure and transparency, inform the public, including the status of the incident and the government's response measures, and remind the public to pay attention to risk prevention and control in accordance with the principle of strictness and wideness.

Imagine that if the official initially replaced the outer pine's statement to the outer expression: the new coronary virus is similar to SARS virus, which is more harmful; although there is no evidence of people at present, this possibility is not ruled out; therefore, the general public must be cautious.Be careful, take precautionary measures in time, and announce the prevention and control measures taken by the government (even if the strength is not enough), will the public still be so paralyzed, will there be the serious result of the subsequent?

The crisis response model of internal and external loosening has a long history in China, with historical inertia and profound root causes of stability.It is not easy to give up and change.For this reason, two aspects need to work together:

First, the government should deeply understand the disadvantages and essence of this model, and consciously change.The internal tightening of this model is not only difficult to successfully control and resolve the crisis, but it may also lead to greater disasters; the practice of maintaining the government image through outer pine may eventually take the collapse of the government image;It may cause crisis out of control and eventually lead to stricter accountability.This model is essentially violated the basic principles of modern social governance.

If the government recognizes these, it may take the initiative to improve the improvement of the system through the management system, to achieve a tight transformation of internal and external loosening.In areas that do not involve ideological and political issues, including the field of public health, you can do this first.

The second is that the public must actively strive for their own freedom and democracy, and force the government to change.If the people's freedom of speech and democratic elections is guaranteed, it can form an effective supervision of the government, prompting the government to implement full information disclosure and transparency.If the government endangers the public interests of the public due to concealing important information, it will be discovered and disclosed in time by the public and the media.

Once the government has strong external pressure, it has to consider the social evils and their own costs that the inner tight and outer pine may have caused to change tightly inside and outside.The people's supervision based on rights and backing will always be more reliable than government officials.

The author is a professor of economics in mainland China

It is precisely because the official stated that the epidemic and the virus can be controlled and controlled and the people are not rumored, and the eight doctors who disclose the information of the epidemic have caused the people of Wuhan to have no wishes at all in the early days of the epidemic.The event, even held a tens of thousands of banquets as usual, did not wear a mask, and eventually caused a big crisis.