Economic Daily News

The high -ground production company invested by former US President Barack Barack Barack Barack Obama and his wife, launched the first American factory, won the 92nd Oscar Gold Award for Best Documentary.This documentary tells the story of Chinese glass manufacturer Fuyao Group in Donalon, Ohio, USA, and re -enabled the story of the assembly factory of General Motor Company into a glass factory.

The main axis of the story tells the difficulties faced by China Fuyao Glass Group after setting up factories in the United States.Fuyao hired 2,000 unemployed American workers in Donatt in 2014. At first, workers were excited because of re -gaining work, but the honeymoon period between Chinese employers and American workers did not last long.The quality and habits of them, and the contradiction between the capital and the trade union gradually emerged.The film reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the Sino -US manufacturing industry, the wrestling of the capital and the trade union, and the impact of automation on the manufacturing industry, providing various reflection materials.

In the past 40 years, the reform and opening up of mainland China has been rare in economically.The continuous rapid growth of China's economy comes from four dividends. One is globalization. This is the great dividend of demand. The other three are dividends of the supply surface, namely demographic dividends, reform dividends and overdrafts (environmental ecology and disadvantages).dividend.Among them, the demographic dividend, with the Chinese laborers, and the cheapness of wages relative to competitors, have made almost all developed countries and developing countries have no power to fight, and China has therefore become a world factory.

The first -child fertility policy that has been implemented in the 1980s has led to a significant decline in birth rate. In the past ten years, China's labor population has begun to be relatively tight, and wages have risen rapidly.To put it simply, China's demographic dividend is rapidly eroding. With other factors such as the rapid rise in land prices, many manufacturing industries have begun to move to Southeast Asia and Africa with low -level salary.EssenceChina's demographic dividend has passed a general consensus. However, the example of the American factory seems to provide another perspective observation and reflection.

The story of the US factory shows that the demographic dividend is not only a measuring indicator of the salary list; the revelation given by the US factory is that the measurement of the demographic dividend has a more complete indicator is the cost of labor.The cost of labor is considered at the same time considering wages and labor productivity.Low wage but lower labor productivity does not mean that the cost of labor is low; the salary is high but the labor productivity is also high, and it does not mean that the cost of labor is high.

As for labor productivity, it depends on the quality of labor, and it refers to diligence, hard work, hard work, obedience and discipline consciousness, intelligence, and enthusiasm for pursuing wealth and achievements.There is no doubt that the universal quality of China ’s labor force is among the best in terms of global perspective. The biggest significance of China Fuyao Group in the American factory is to highlight the major differences between the United States and China in terms of labor quality.

In addition to the influence of the education and training of the labor, the manifestation of the labor quality of a country is more likely to depend on the nation's innate nationality of a country or nation. In other words, it is closely related to national genes.This reminds us of the classics of British economist Adam Smith's economics classics. The theory of wealth pointed out that the way of being rich in the country has no way to get rich.It can be operated without intervention.

This book published in 1776 was challenged by another economist Max in the 20th century. Massacus saw that the capitalist market economy has the advantages of efficient efficiency, but it will also lead to the pole of income and wealth distribution.Differentiated, so the planned economy is advocated.The two theories have their own victory, each with each other, so it took a long time in the 20th century to take a long time in the 20th century.The experiments of the two theories and two systems were finally verified in 1991 due to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Since then, the market economy has unified the world.

The market economy has been in the world for 30 years, but the economic performance of various countries that have adopted the market economy has not embarked on the road to getting rich as Adam Smith said.The reason is more than one end, but the obvious differences in nationality and labor quality must be a key factor.In this regard, China's demographic dividend has not completely disappeared, and the alternative demographic dividend with labor quality as the connotation still exists and continues, and combined with existing talent dividends to jointly add motivation to China's future economic growth.