Source: Voice of Germany

The number of newly added pneumonia in Hubei Province is continuously decreasing.Nevertheless, the epidemic was not over.The situation of neighboring South Korea and Japan is also not optimistic.Make WHO the most worried that some patients have nothing to do with China.

The inflection point of the new crown epidemic in China is still delayed.The China Health and Health Commission announced on Sunday (February 23) that the number of new diagnosis was 656, which was slightly increased from a day ago. However, the number of new diagnostic people outside Hubei Province continued to decline.The number of deaths in the new crown virus in China was 97 on Sunday, and the cumulative death has exceeded 2,445.

In addition to Hubei Province in China, the provinces with higher mortality caused by the epidemic include Henan and Heilongjiang.As of Saturday night of local time, Heilongjiang confirmed a total of 480 cases and 12 deaths.The number of diagnosis of Henan is 1271 and 19 deaths.Sunday does not include the cumulative number of new crown pneumonia in Hubei Province on Sunday, all of which are in the scope of individuals, and there are no new cases in 17 provinces.

At the same time, the Chinese official media called on people to continue to be highly vigilant about the new crown virus, and called for not to rush to Quot; push Quot; and stopped calling for catering and rushing.

South Korean warning to the highest level

In Chinese countries, South Korea's epidemic is relatively serious.On Sunday, South Korea transferred the early warning level of the new crown virus to the highest level.President Wen Zaiyin said on the same day that according to the opinions and suggestions of infectious disease experts, the South Korean government decided to raise the new crown epidemic warning to the highest level Quot; serious quot; and strengthen response measures.

The Yonhap News Agency reported that there were 169 new cases on Sunday, and a total of 602 cases were diagnosed, and deaths increased to 5 cases.The number of diagnosis has doubled from Friday to Sunday.Among the 46 cases newly added from 9 am to 16 pm on Sunday, 20 cases were related to the Church of the Daqiu Church of the Xintiandi.The Central Central Epidemic Prevention Countermeasure Department announced the epidemic situation twice every day and 5 pm respectively.

The Ministry of Education of Korea released news on Sunday that there were more than 70,000 Chinese students in South Korea, of which about 38,000 returned to China and other places to spend the winter vacation. According to the plan, they will return to South Korea to go to school in the next two weeks.The Ministry of Education of Korea suggested that Chinese students who have not yet purchased air tickets to South Korea are suspended this semester and stated that they will relax their credits for international students who are going to school this semester, and use centralized lectures and other measures to minimize the adverse effects of school suspension.

4 people have died in Japan

Japanese Prime Minister Abe instructed the cabinet to make emergency preparations for epidemic prevention and treatment, and asked to formulate a JI program that extensively curb the spread of new crown virus.On the same day, 27 newly diagnosed in Japan.One of the passengers from the QUOT; Diamond Princess Quot; the boat off the boat died.The deceased is a male in his 80s.The Ministry of Life and Labor and Ministry of Health and Labor confirmed that the cause of death was a new crown pneumonia, but it also revealed that the male had many diseases.The cruise ship has died in total.Excluding Quot; Diamond Princess Quot; Cruise, a total of 136 people in the Japanese local infection with the new crown virus and one death.And quot; diamond princess quot; the number of patients among tourists is 691.

On Saturday, the U.S. State Department increased the infectious disease warning across Japan on Saturday to increase the level from the lowest level of the four levels, which is Quot; cautious to QUOT;South Korea is also at this level.The U.S. early warning of mainland China is set as the strictest level 4 quot; it is recommended to evacuate QUOT; and to Hong Kong and Macau as a secondary.

Due to the influence of the expansion of the new crown virus, 10 Japanese ports that have accepted more international cruise ships have suspended the port this year at least 206 times.The Kyodo News Agency quoted data from the industry associations. Passengers spent 1.9 million to 2.52 million yuan each time.As of now, the top 10 ports in Japan have canceled the proportion of Hong Kong 16%compared to the same year.

The new crown epidemic in Iran in the Middle East has attracted the most attention.There are 43 new crown cases in the country, eight of them have died.Israel is considering sending about 200 Koreans to one barracks for temporary isolation.

IWF: China's economic growth decreased by 0.4%

The World Health Organization emphasized on Saturday that the degree of infection outside China is still low.However, what worried them was that some infected patients had no contact history with Chinese or China.WHO also said that so far, the mortality rate caused by the new crown virus is about 2%, and most of the deceased is the elderly or suffer from old diseases.

New crown pneumonia is one of the main issues of the G20 National Treasury Conference held in Liade.Kristalina Iwanowa Georgiewa, president of the International Monetary Fund, predicts that China's economic growth rate this year will be less than 5.6%, which is less than 0.4 percentage points in January this year, thereby making the global economic growth rate decreased by 0.1%.