Author: Zhang Wang

At the beginning of February, the new type of coronary virus pneumonia was not yet popular in Japan. A letter from a school to a Japanese parents became a heartwarming news in the Chinese world.The letter wrote: Please do not use verbal discrimination against Chinese and people who live in Wuhan. Parents should pay more attention in words to cultivate their children's correct human rights awareness.

As the epidemic spreads gradually.From the perspective of Japanese people, the biggest threat below the plague is not the virus, but the human heart.

The symbiotic spirit of Japanese civic society

Japan is a country that has faced natural disasters for many years, like a living natural disaster museum.The 2011 earthquake tsunami (and nuclear disasters), the heat of 2018, and the typhoon in 2019, all caused Japanese society to face impermanence again and again.This society is injured again and again in the face of disaster, but it has risen again and again, relying on the spirit of unity and mutual assistance.

Today, the pneumonia epidemic is aggressive, and the Japanese central government has made a lot of mistakes when dealing with the epidemic (such as the Diamond Princess Cruise), but the high -quality civic society in Japan has gradually entered a state of software to prepare for the pneumonia epidemic:

Media Supervision MDASH; MDASH; On February 16th, more than a dozen marathons in more than a dozen places across Japan were alert the next day.Since February 17, major media have begun to invite experts, questioning the Abe government's anti -epidemic practices, and proposing various constructive solutions.On February 19th, Ishida Katsuya Kato, known as Li Wenliang, Japan, was exposed to Youtube. After the improper epidemic prevention measures to deal with the princess of diamonds, major e -media in Japan immediately reported toThe connection live broadcast fully reflects the function of the media to supervise the government.Independent media supervision has become an effective antibody for the diffusion of diseases in free and democratic society.

Prevent discrimination against MDash; MDASH; On February 21, Kyoto police arrested a man who posted Chinese leaflets on the electric pole. Some Chinese were not infecting Japanese discriminatory words and were widely reported by the Japanese media.After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Fukushima people were discriminated against in Japan, and Japanese society had a deep understanding of this phenomenon.The infected person was the victim, but they were regarded as the victim by others and were extremely unfair.TV stations recently pointed out in news programs: As the plague rampant, discrimination is discriminated against all over the world: in Europe, white people treat yellow Asians as viruses; in China, provinces discriminate against innocent Wuhan people;In Ukraine, local people discriminated against their fellows from China who withdrew from the mother country from China. They all originated from the stupid and ignorant moves of fear. It would only deepen the gap between people and hinders resistance.

Protecting the disadvantaged group MDASH; mdash; Like other countries, buying masks has recently become a headache for the Japanese people.Under the compulsory management of the government, Japanese society shows a warm and heart -warming spirit.In February, the author visited the various districts in Tokyo to observe the market and found that a period of a lot of convenience stores during a period not only did not increase the price, but sold at reduced prices.Many supermarkets in areas where the elderly live, and launch cheap masks packaging (60 masks sell 600 yen) to help the needs of old and weak groups.Japanese society originally has a social culture that pays attention to equality and prevent the gap between the rich and the poor, and now has played huge positive functions.

Unity and mutual assistance is the key to defeating the plague

A Korean director Feng Junhao, who has just won the Oscar award, met with the Japanese media in Tokyo on February 23.He talked about his views on the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia at the press conference and was widely reported by the Japanese media.Director Feng specifically pointed out that if everyone has an excessive response to the virus, coupled with prejudice against specific races and countries, it will make the society more horrible.Under the epidemic, how to soothe people's anxiety and fear is an important issue.

This is the most difficult moment, and it is also the best moment!Reminder of disaster resistance in Japanese society: While the plague is rampant, while doing a good job of self -epidemic prevention measures, trying to help people who need assistance around may be the way to win the plague.

The author is an associate professor at the International Education Department of Waseda University in Japan