01 Viewpoint

As a result of the results of the third station of the U.S. Democratic Party, the results of the Party Group of Nevada were released one after another. As a result, the left -wing Federal Federal Senator Sanders won with a momentum, which made the Democratic Party's establishment and elite class deeply fear.Before the end of the Liberal Media MSNBC on the eve of the election, the host Chuck Todd asked six candidates on the stage. Once no one was nominated by more than half of the party representatives in the end, the Democratic Party ’s National Conference became the July of the Democratic Party.Brokert Convention, whether the most votes should be nominated in the end.Except for Sanders on the stage, the rest believe that it should be handled by the established mechanism within the party.In addition, Bloomberg, who has been active in the last presidential candidate Hillary before and after the election, frequently draws votes to Super Delegates in the party.Obama may have a shot that affects the general election, which makes the election more unpredictable.

The US Presidential Primary Election Mechanism has taken shape since the 1960s, and most of the rules and regulations are conventional, so it has been widely criticized.Prior to 1968, the presidential nominations of the Democratic and Republican Party were arranged by the Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Brokers.However, in the 1960s, the United States was in the era of anti -war movement and the wind movement.And the Democratic Party has no head.At that time, a large number of anti -war demonstrators gathered outside the Chicago National Congress of the Democratic Party.Republican candidate Nixon.After that, the Democratic Party's reform hoped that the procedures for nominations for presidential presidential candidates within the party would be more disclosed in democracy.

The key role of super representatives

However, after that, the party in the party still has a considerable role in nomination procedures.The National Committee of the Democratic Party nominated hundreds of super representatives such as former president, former vice president, former Democratic Congress leader, current Democratic member of the two House of Representatives, Governor, and Democratic Party members.When the election is fierce, the super representative is sufficient to change the results of the primary election.Hillary, who almost clicked in the last party, had a large number of super representative votes before the primary election, causing the anti -construction opponent Sanders camp to criticize, saying that this move created the false image of injustice and Hillary's far away.Since then, the Democratic Party's reform system said that only when the candidate will only be selected for the number of nominated votes in the country, the super representative will vote in the second round election, which is also known as the negotiation conference.All party representatives in the second round of voting can be freely voted. At that time, the party will serve as the negotiator, give full play to the choice of the party representatives, and even recommend the final presidential nominee who is completely different from the primary selection.

The pre -election of the last Republican President Trump was elected with anti -building routes. It also made the party's system nervous and even intended to make selection. Another presidential candidate replaced Trump.However, Trump was unwilling to show weakness. As early as the early election, he announced that once the Republican Party nominated in the early election, he would be elected as an independent.In addition, the Republican primary election except for the initial states, all the mechanisms of winners, so that Trump was able to connect to many cities, and eventually crushed some Republican leaders to block Trump's hope.In contrast, the Democratic Primary Election is allocated in proportion to the representative ticket, and the disguise increases that one person can get more than half of the nomination votes.In addition, although Trump's anti -building campaign, his anti -immigrants and contempt for women, etc. suspected race and genderism, just caused dissatisfaction of the guards of the Republican Party.The company's national medical insurance plan, as well as the anti -pharmaceutical and petroleum companies, Wall Street hegemony, eliminating the political opinions such as the impact of money in elections and political processes, threatening the Democratic Party's establishment and its vital interests.

The Democratic Party and the elite class were afraid of Sanders. In the past, the Democratic Party campaign strategist was regarded as the hero of the Knight of the Presidential election in 1992 and leading the Democratic Party James Carville.The remarks of ideological cults are evident.In addition, MSNBC political critic, Chris Matthews, stated that Sanders Saton Election will be defeated as the Cold War of the United States, and it will also be shot in the Central Park of New York, also known as Sanders in Nevada.Like France defeated Nazi Germany, it caused an uproar.Bibli -rich Bloomberg also known as Sanders' claims as communism. It can also be seen that the Democratic Party's system and elite class reject Sanders.Fear of the times.

Democratic Party advances and retreat

Regardless of these Democratic parties and elites 'remarks are the fear of being serious for Sanders, or the purpose of being purely operating Americans' mood to prevent Sanders from choosing.The background of Des made the Sanders camp with a certain shadow, which will only make the negotiation conference once appeared.Many people have already believed that Bloomberg said that he did not choose but eventually fell off again, and even more money was made on the party to create characters in the party. The main purpose was not to defeat Trump but to stop Sanders.Hillary suddenly turned to high -profile, constantly attacking Sanders, and reincarnation wind did not rule out the presidential election. They all caused the reverie of the yellow robe to be added by the yellow robe in the negotiation conference.Coupled with the preliminary candidates such as Volon and Budgege, although the last election Hillary had obtained the most votes, it should be the candidate, and even advocated the abolition of the electoral ticket.President's nomination, don't want Sanders to get nominations overflowing.

However, since Sanders voted for nearly 50 % in Nevada, its biggest opponent Bloomberg's debate was unbearable and frustrated, and voters may also concentrate their votes to send Sanders to qualify to prevent flow selection.However, if Sanders really obtained half of the nomination ticket, and lost nominations because of the underlying transactions of the party in the party, the Democratic Party was almost inevitable.When the progressive cluster ran away or transferred another voting, the Democratic Party ’s answer in the next election has also been written on the wall.After all, the Democratic Party would rather watch that the party was not a Democratic person from the Democratic parties, and led a group of grassroots left -wing parties to ban. In the endThe camp will start the war in an all -round way. At the expense of the whole division, it will also strive to stop the party's route from turning left, and keep it in the financial source of the party under the party under the politics of the party.