Social Theory February 25, 2020

Malaysia's political situation has undergone very dramatic changes in the past few days. After the President of the Government Union hopes that the chairman of the League of Legislative Council held a meeting on Friday night, the Prime Minister Mahathir once again stated at a press conference nearly in the early morning.After the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, he was fully decided to pay the date.

After three and a half hours of meetings, Mahathir said: There is no time, no date, nothing, everything is determined by me.In the end, the actual abdication date was not finalized.This meeting launched a new round of power game, which eventually led to major changes in Malaysian politics in the past few days.

In the past few weeks, Malaysia has always been rumored that Mahathir may withdraw from the Pakatan Harapan and form another political party alliance with old enemies. UMNO and Islamic Party will join the new alliance. This group is also supported by more than half of Congress.Therefore, when the Prime Minister of Malaysia confirmed that Mahathir submitted a resignation letter to the head of state yesterday afternoon and resigned as the Prime Minister's position, and only after leaving the post of Congress Congress of the Kedah.The approach is ready to leave the Pakatan Harapan another new government and the cabinet.Then, Mu Yuding, the chairman of the Turkish Troupe, also posted on the Facebook and officially announced that the Tu Tuan Party withdrew from the Pakatan Harapan.

On the other side, Saiffininin, the general secretary of the People's Justice Party, led by Anwar, confirmed yesterday that he had expelled the actions chairman of Azmin and Vice Chairman Zurida on the grounds of public betrayal.Azmin subsequently announced that he led 11 Congress members to leave the Justice Party and Pakatan Harapan, including four Zheng and Deputy Minister, and will form an independent group in Congress.This series of announcements made people think that Mahathir's rumors decided to join forces with UMNO and the Iraqi Party.

Unexpectedly, Mahathir threw another shocking bomb and announced his resignation of the President of the Turkish Unity Party.Lin Guanying, Secretary -General of the People's Republic of China, said after the party headquarters presided over an emergency meeting that Mahathir resigned because he should not cooperate with Umno, so he and the DPP will support Mahathir to continue to serve as Prime Minister.This development has caused dramatic changes in the turn of the incident.

Although the head of state of Malaysia accepted Mahathir last night, he appointed him as the Prime Minister of the Transition until the new government was established.With Mahathir's resignation, he decided to withdraw from the Pakatan Harapan government's Turkish Party and the Justice Party Azmin faction, as well as other political parties such as the Sarawak Political Party Alliance and UMNO. They held emergency meetings yesterday to make political conditions more confusing.

After this toss, the Pakatan Harapan government was still in power on the surface, and Mahathir's phase seemed to be more stable.However, for the Malaysian people who are threatened by the 19th of the crown disease, this round of power struggle of the politicians of the Malaysian Kingdoms and Japan is obviously very irresponsible.Like other countries, because of the impact of the epidemic in the Malaysian economy, many industries have fallen into a critical state of struggling to survive. It is urgent to launch assistance supporting facilities to help the affected industries over the difficult level.This round of power games undoubtedly dispersed the government's attention to the epidemic.

The Minister of Finance Lin Guanying issued a statement on February 14 that Mahathir will announce the supporting support for economic revitalization on February 27 to reduce the impact of the crown disease 19 epidemic on the Malaysian economy and maintain the well -being of the people.With Mahathir's resignation of Prime Minister, as a transitional Prime Minister, whether he can launch revitalization supporting facilities in a timely manner, and whether the content of the supporting content can meet social needs, I am afraid that they must have a big question mark.Whether the Malaysian economy can continue to wait, I believe it is even more concerned about all parties.

Earlier, the Pakatan Harapan government and Singapore's bilateral cooperation, although there were some differences, still made progress in individual topics.Now that the Pakatan Harapan government has an unknown future, all bilateral cooperation projects must be suspended.Of course, this does not conform to the interests of the people of the two countries.Therefore, we hope that this chaos can end sooner. No matter who can organize a new government in the end, we should bring Malaysia back to track as soon as possible.