Source: Asia Weekly

In the past four months of Hong Kong, there has been no sign of calming.However, the absence of violence on the streets of Hong Kong and smashing the store have made international public opinion began to turn.They discovered that Hong Kong's democratic, free and rule of law media and politicians were incredible about the attitude towards violence.David Wilson, former Governor of Port, spoke in the House of Representatives in the UK to criticize the mainstream British media and many politicians, pointing out that Hong Kong violence demonstrations are frustrated and should not be tolerated.We must not interfere with the Hong Kong Government.When more and more international forces see the true face of Hong Kong riots, the solution of the Hong Kong issue can be seen, and the dawn of hope at the end of the political night.

The mainstream Western media also supported the position of demonstrators, and reflected on the situation where the movement moved towards violence and out of control.CNN reports that some supporters of Hong Kong demonstrations are no longer underwriting and even ashamed of it.It is worth noting that grass -roots citizens feel that their lives have been greatly affected. Taxi drivers find that the average income is 30 % less, and more than 300 restaurants in Hong Kong are forced to close, resulting in many people unemployment.The financial community predicts that many individuals will declare bankruptcy with the company in the next year, and Hong Kong's economy will enter a situation of negative growth.

Oppositioning the movement strategy emphasizes the like water (Be Water), it seems to show the elasticity of the organization's decentralization, but it also hides the chaos and out of control of unattended accountability.When an opposition movement falls into violent spirals, it becomes an addict, making participants more and more excited, but it is getting farther and farther from most public opinion. In the end, it is found that it is the same as drug use.Can't extricate yourself.Thomas who lost gasoline bombs on the street, smashed Starbucks and vitality sushi, would not be aware of what they damaged by violence. In fact, the legitimacy of the exercise made a movement that was righteous at the beginning.Burning chaos.

Therefore, like water, it is also a word, making exercise a scourge and flowing to the hearts of many young people.They have no basic sense of right and wrong. They are taught by the opinion leaders (KOL) on the Internet that they can go to the subway, smash the police station, destroy Chinese restaurants, bookstores, banks, and spread the American brands such as Starbucks.

The opposition has also rebounded for the demonization of the police for a long time. Compared with the influx of Chile, more than a dozen people have died in a few days, but the Hong Kong riots are four months old. No one has died directly.The referendum and the Great demonstration, the European Union and the United States and Britain do not support it, fearing that the waters to prevent the water infiltrated into their own country, causing internal separation to rise.This is in a strong contrast with the West's support for separationism on Hong Kong issues.

The opposition is named for local, and Hong Kong is unique, which is an open secret.Hong Kong's Pan -people and Hong Kong independence have been stirred together and become political conjoined babies who never cut their mats.This is absolutely unacceptable to Pan -people's veteran Situhua, but unfortunately, after his death, he did not adhere to the democratic China route after his death, allowing pan -people to produce independent political storms in Hong Kong in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong opposition was abducted by some marginal and radical forces.The discussion of local factions has become the protection of Hong Kong independence, but it has continuously revealed its feet in publicity.Huang Zhifeng, Secretary -General of Hong Kong, was qualified for the district members' elections because his political stance was named by the local area, but Hong Kong was unique. In fact, passers -by knowing.The general characteristics of the Hong Kong natives are to pack Hong Kong independence with autonomy and autonomy, but to the outside world, it is not dedicated to the Chineseization, not only anti -communist and anti -China.Like Hong Kong's independent students to beautify the 918 incident with Japanese right -wing history, they praised the Japanese army invading China. They thought that they could criticize the Communist Party. I do n’t know that the 1981 was in 1931 to resist Japan and the PLA.Such historical and blind discussions are how to be emotional for Hong Kong's opposition movement navigation.

Hong Kong people who participated in this movement do not forget their original intentions, they are to strive for dual universal selection | | Universal Chief Executive and Legislative Council, but now people who swing their Hong Kong independent flags and the British and American flags are fighting pioneers in demonstrations, making it difficult for many Hong Kong people to agree and worry about the country.Agree with the guise of democracy to be stolen to the phoenix, just like Taiwan to win democracy, but loses China.Hong Kong people have long been in China and anti -imperialism for a long time. From the strikes of the Provincial and Hong Kong University in 1925 to the Dongjiang Column during the Anti -Japanese War, the fishing movement in the 1960s and 1970s, and the Chinese legalization campaign are all historic., It is not to be forgotten, and it is not to be distorted by Hong Kong.

The international climate is not conducive to Hong Kong riots.Trump announced that he will have recently reached a Sino -US trade agreement. The climate of the conversation between the two countries has begun to ease. Trump needs to continue to buy a large number of American agricultural products.Disadbusted Trump's election.

The latest international rankings also support Hong Kong.In the list of wef global judicial independence#8203;#8203; Hong Kong ranked 13th, the crown of Asia, but ironic is that Taiwan's judicial independence ranking is forty -eight, and it also lags behind the 46th mainland of China.Recently, Su Zhenchang, the president of Taiwan, commented on Chen Tongjia's case and guided chess under the judicial system that Chen Tongjia should be sentenced to death, and he could see that Taiwan's judicial administrative system was disturbed.The Canadian The Fraser Institute ranked third in Hong Kong this year's global freedom rankings.The American Think Tank Traditional Foundation has also announced this year that Hong Kong is still the world's most free economy.Is there such a ranking, does the riots in Hong Kong still have room for continuing riots?