Author: Yan Yu

The increasing tax rate for Chinese transmission of goods in China, and the statement will bring American companies to withdraw from China's hellip; hellip; recently, the US government's series of absurd and unreasonable absurd moves have once again added fuel to Sino -US economic and trade friction.Investigating its essence, the United States' tricks are actually old -fashioned mdash; mdash; trying to force China to make a compromise that harms its development rights and interests with the overbearing act with extreme pressure.However, even the surrounding foreign media had already seen clearly, and threatened to scare China. China has the confidence that China is countermeasure and the confidence of accompanying the end.

Countermeasures to the United States in the United States

The Russian Satellite News Network recently reported that the United States will pay 15%tariffs on Chinese goods worth $ 300 billion (S $ 416.8 billion) from September 1 and December 15.At present, the U.S. government has fixed this in the form of documents and announced in the federal registered book.

In response, the Chinese State Council announced on August 23 that in order to defend its legitimate rights and interests, China has decided to impose 10%and 5%tariffs on about $ 75 billion in goods native to the United States.From December 15th, it will be implemented by 25%and 5%tariffs on cars and components native to the United States from December 15, 2019.

As soon as China's countermeasures came out, it attracted the attention and interpretation of foreign media.

The Broadcasting Corporation reported that China ’s plan to increase taxes on the United States involves 5078 products, including agricultural products, crude oil and small aircraft such as soybeans.The car and components that have been removed after being imposed have also returned to the tax increase list.

In this regard, Agence France -Presse pointed out that as a good -oriented measure in trade dialogue, China has suspended punitive tariffs on American automotive and automobile parts earlier this year.However, as the State Council Customs Council Commission stated in one statement, the U.S. raising tariffs caused Sino -US economic and trade frictions to continue to upgrade, violating the consensus reached by the two heads of state in Argentina and Osaka.

Some media have noticed that China's latest retaliation on the United States has first included US crude oil improving tariff lists for the first time. This response measure is relatively restrained but the focus is clear.Although these measures are not the same as the scale of taxation in the United States, the projects on the list are carefully selected to bring pain to American companies and avoid impact on the Chinese economy.

Foreign media generally believe that China's countermeasures accurately crack down on the key to the United States.More importantly, this is just the beginning.

Reuters analysis said that American products in China's latest tariffs include soybeans, beef, pork, etc.Although the Trump administration has provided assistance to American farmers affected by Chinese tariffs, the dissatisfaction of American agriculture is increasingly rising.Most agricultural regions have a very bleak view of the prospects and their anger is spreading.Farmers composed of two parties support the free trade organization in one statement.

The German Financial Network pointed out that China responded to the US tariffs in the United States.As the US economy may decline, the Chinese decision has worsened the US economic prospects.Moreover, there are many ammunition in China, such as reducing holding US Treasury bonds and unreliable entities.

The Broadcasting Corporation also believes that China may also counter the United States with non -tariff measures.These potential methods include carrying out security review, increased customs inspections, and cancellation of orders with American companies.In addition, as the United States has once again aggravated the trade bargaining chip, China may also increase tax rates to respond.

China's counterattack will become stronger and stronger

Facing the boiling sound at home and abroad, the U.S. government does not seem to have a cliff.On August 24th, the United States announced the further increase in tariff rates for Chinese transmission of commodities in China, and claimed that American companies were required to leave China.As soon as the news came out, the international community was uproar.

The National Daily of South Korea said that the Trump administration had added revenge to China less than 12 hours after the Chinese side issued countermeasures, showing its arrogance and hostility to China.In the face of the danger of the United States on the danger of squeezing the interests of different countries in the United States, it will get farther and farther, and China's counterattack will become stronger and stronger.

Geng Shuang, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, recently emphasized that China has resolutely opposed the United States's naked trade bullying act and extreme pressure on the United States and never accept it.China does not eat threats at all.

Since the outbreak of economic and trade frictions in China and the United States, the US government has been under pressure on China.The final result shows that the error means will only be repeatedly lost.

According to the Singapore Straits Times website, the Trump administration tries to force China to negotiate through extreme measures, but China has a bamboo for how to cope with it.The Trump administration chatted endlessly that the trade war is caused by pain in China, and it actually underestimates China.China can endure economic pain caused by tariffs.They have a strong ability to deal with this pain.Sun Yun, the director of China Project, the Chinese project of Washington Think Tank, said.

Former US Treasury Secretary Sames also pointed out in an interview with the National Public Broadcasting and Television Website that the Trump administration's strategy is that the United States can put a pressure on MDASH;The degree of pressure will surpass the degree of pressure from the US economy in some way.However, things are developing in the opposite direction.

One year in the trade war, in the face of Trump lsquo; random stream rsquo; China has become unhappy, and the Washington Post pointed out that Trump may think that his remarks on the US -China trade war are made.Stunning at first, it will make the Chinese negotiating representatives unpredictable.But in fact, he couldn't bluff anyone in Beijing.Wei Jianguo, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce of China, pointed out that the scary methods of the US government have no effect on China. Trump thinks that various extreme pressure measures can ensure the advantages of the United States and defeat China, but it is impossible at all.Essence

Today, the Russian television website quoted the point of view of Yuri Middot, Chairman of the U.S. Research Foundation of the University of Moscow; Rogu Lvv said that Trump's power of concession for China will force himself to death.Trump either give up pressure, but it means he swept the ground; it becomes tougher.As far as he is concerned, neither of which is a good way of bailout.

China is crucial to global trade

On August 27, the first store in China, the first store in China, officially opened.The popular scene on the first day made the United States previously asking American companies to leave China to encounter faces, and also confirmed from a side to confirm the strong potential and attractiveness of Sino -US economic and trade frictions to block the Chinese market.

According to the British Financial Times, the opening of the city in China highlighted the optimistic attitude of American companies in the Chinese market.According to data from a consulting company in the United States, in the first half of this year, US companies invested $ 6.8 billion to China, 1.5%higher than the same period in the past two years.It is reported that these data show that the strategy of many US companies has conflicts with the Trump administration's request to consider relocation in Huamei companies.

According to reports, recently, a survey showed that over 80 % of U.S. -funded companies are optimistic about the development prospects in China in the next 5 years.A recent survey by the German Federal Foreign Trade and Investment Agency shows that Germany has exceeded 5,200 companies in China. As China has continued to increase, more companies will increase investment in China.

Although Trump may want American companies to stay away from China, China is crucial to global trade.The New York Times pointed out that China is the most efficient place to produce various types of products. It has huge industrial networks, can supply necessary parts, and millions of high -quality labor and high -speed rail, highways and high -efficiency ports.It is difficult for many companies to completely abandon the convenience provided by China and its huge and expanding consumer market.

The Wall Street Journal also believes that China's status as a world factory is still difficult to shake.As the US -China trade war intensifies, many companies try to establish a new supply chain in other countries, but they soon discover that there is no place to provide complete solutions like China.

Financial Times found a change: Many manufacturers have regarded China as export centers, and now more and more manufacturers are producing consumers in China.Data show that so far this year, consumer expenses have contributed more than 75%to China's economic growth.A survey of the American Chamber of Commerce in China showed that 35%of the US companies in China stated that they are adopting the impact of tariffs for China's strategy.

In fact, people with eyes can see clearly that the decoupling with the Chinese economy is to decompose with opportunities, decoupn with the world, and decide with the future.Nowadays, only the US government chooses to go against the current, and the result is that foreign media have long broken MDash; MDash; deciring with the Chinese economy is equivalent to self -harm to the economy.