At present, after Mahathir's re -appointment, Mrs. Anhua, who is obviously not the heir, is the deputy, and has its own attention. Of course, after the reorganization of the Ma Guo cabinet at any time, whether Anhua will be the deputy again.In the future, the phase of Mahathir will be adopted logically, or Mahathir will let Azmin, who will compete with Anwar as the deputy, and cross Anhua to take over as the Prime Minister.

Before Malaysia had a historic election of the first political party rotation in May last year, it was a one -party dictatorship that essentially had more than 60 years.This party refers to the Barisan Nasional (with its predecessor) that contains a dozen members of the party, but more appropriately refers to UMNO, which leads the BN political agenda.Because under the political reality of Malaysia at the time, UMNO parliamentary seats were not only more than half or nearly half, but also surpassed the sum of the seats of other members.

Moreover, UMNO claims to represent the interests of the Malaysian groups of the most Malaysians, and other members of the interests of the interests of various ethnic minorities are not easy to build.Xiang National Policy's rubber stamps.Of course, this role of political vases has also made some members of the Barisan Nasional members gradually lose the support of the Malaysians' increasingly political awakening voters.

At that time, Umno's party chairman was also a certain candidate for Prime Minister Malaysia, and the acting chairman (that is, the second overlap within the party) was usually the deputy prime minister.Because the deputy prime minister is regarded as the successor of the Prime Minister, and when the Prime Minister's may not want to make a stick at a certain time, the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister usually has a certain degree of political heart disease.

For example, Ma Guo's father, Abdul La Man, was working side by side with his deputy, but when he served as Zheng and Deputy Prime Minister after independence, he gradually caused cracks.After a social conflict in 1969, the Donggu Abdul La Man was as if the Indonesian Father Sukano failed in 1965, and was substantially abolished, and gradually was temporarily martial law by the State Action Council to govern the country martial law martial law.The marginalization of Lhasa until the time when Donggu chose to step down, Lhasa officially became the Prime Minister.

During the phase of Lhasa, his deputy was Hu Xianweng, the son of Umno's creator Weng Yahua, but Lhasa also blatantly criticized the East Gusu Laman because he did not defend the interests of the Malay.Mahathir, who was expelled from the party, recruited UMNO. At first, it was also appointed as a MP to allow Mahathir to serve as the minister to cultivate Mahathir's political intention.

This is why Mahathir was in the wild in the past few years, while harshly criticized the then Prime Minister Najib's abuse of power and stole the country, and did not forget to cut Najib and Najib's father Lhasa who had promoted Mahathir to cut.When you come, you still praise Lhasa.

However, a few years later, Lhasa died of illness, and Hu Xianweng took over the example. In order to deal with the Islamic Party supported by the Malaysian party supported by UMNO at the time, he must reuse Mahathir, who was more racist at that time to fight for the horse to fight for the horse to fight for the horse to fight for the horse.The support of the grass -roots class of the people, so he chose the vice -chairman Mahathir, who has the lowest votes in the UMNO party, to serve as the deputy prime minister, and paved the road of Mahathir's subsequent prime minister.

During the period when Mahathir served as the Minister of Education, in order to cope with the political needs of the Malay nationalist emotions set off by the Islamic Party and the A UMNO Party, they also resolutely brought the teaching media in the National School of Malaysia from the British colonial era.The leftover English was changed to Malay.Until recent years, Mahathir regretted this policy change that had a profound influence on the education of Malaysia, and it was advocated that at least digital science should be taught in English. As for whether it was too late, he was wise.

Mahathir's power of the city is extremely deep.After he replaced Hu Xianweng for the first time, he also did not choose to be elected vice chairman of UMNO, the highest votes (therefore have the most political threat to him), Donggu Lasari, who was born in the royal family, or the second highest votes, grassroots, and mediocre talents.Instead of Jiahua, he chose Musha, the lowest vice vice chairman, as the deputy.The meaning of Mahathir to make a subtle balance between the talents of the duty of politicians and ambitions.

It should be noted that the politicians who are considered by Mahathir cannot keep up with Mahathir's governing the country all the way, but too much politicians, their political ambitions may sometimes swell to being regarded by Mahathir as a threat.It must be ordered to eradicate (as follows of political evolution), or to create a political struggle between digital ambitionists, so that they can kill them for their own leadership, and it is difficult to threaten his leadership position.

For example, Mahathir also appointed Lasari as the Minister of Trade and Workers, so that the Yu Liang complex between Musha and Lasari was slowly burned;The radical student leader Anwar, Anwar, entered the cabinet to respond to the Islamic Party's successful political offensive in the environment of the Islamic Party ’s religious revolution in the Iranian religious revolution and in the context of the religious revival campaign set off in the world.

Mu Sha is a deputy, and his mind is also quite clever. He promotes the leadership group at the time (briefed from the first letter of the right Prime Minister) 2M, which has caused the leadership authority to be determined to be a horse with a strong concept.Hardy's dissatisfaction.In any case, the political situation later evolved into Musha and Lasari jointly challenged Mahathir's failure in the party, and both were kicked out of the cabinet and retired from the party to establish a new party (although the two still returned to UMNO after many years).

Mahathir later chose to be regarded as a deputy, who was regarded by all walks of life as a little ambitious, but the political task was obviously on the young and strong Anwar shoulders.Feng Xiang must be the Minister of Education; and it is also extremely ironic that the religious atmosphere of the school is getting stronger and stronger, which was just carried out at that time.Anwar's extremely high political ambitions gradually showed it at that time. If he successfully defeated Jiahua Batu to become the vocalization chairman of the Wuxian Department, Mahathir also had to appoint him as the deputy prime minister.

However, after Mahathir tolerated Anwar for several years, he finally set up a knife and ended up in Anwar, which was promoted by himself and prison.After that, the Abdullah was inherited from the Mahathir phase, and Mahathir forced the latter to use Najib, which is said to be more talented.But after Najib gradually did not listen to Mahathir's guidance, Mahathir did not hesitate to go out of the rivers and lakes to overthrow Najib.

At the moment Mahathir was re -appointed, and Mrs. Anhua, who was obviously not the heir, was the associate.What the focus of the creation is, of course, after the reorganization of the Ma Guo cabinet at any time, will Anhua be the deputy again and. It will be logically connected to Mahathir's phase, or Mahathir will let the Az who compete with Anwar Az who will compete with AnwarMin served as the deputy and crossed Anwar to take over the Prime Minister.

Regardless of the choice of Mahathir, he will still have a delicate balance and ambition in the most important personnel appointment, so that his political will can be exerted in the long run.

(The author is the Singapore International Affairs Society (SIIA), senior researchers)