The White House QUOT; the four of the four people represented by the US Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Pompeo, Guoan Advisor Bolton and the White House Trade Commission Navarro as the representative of the four people played their own roles in the Trump administration's internal affairs and diplomacy.There are also conflicts, but the general direction is to bring Trump away from the diplomatic and national security route that Trump wants to advance.Of course, because the White House quot; the four helped Quot; not a rope, so the route choice they provided to Trump is not uniform. In this case, Trump can also choose according to his good and evil, take his own choice to take himself to himself and go to himselfThe way, but it is controlled by Quot; the four of the four;

The reason why the four of them were attributed to the White House quot; the four helped Quot; mainly because the different values they represented on the US diplomacy had a certain impact on American diplomacy, and everyone had ambitions that affect the US diplomatic line, and even said that there was more more than more.High political ambitions.

Mike Pence, as the vice president, generally has no real power, and its right to speak depends entirely on presidential authorization.At a critical crisis, Donald Trump will choose Burns to express his tough position.For example, when North Korea launched a missile and held a nuclear test in 2017, Pence (instead of the then Secretary of State Tillerson) publicly appeared publicly and issued a tough statement; on the eve of the mid -term elections in the mid -2018, in order to protect the Republican party's leadership in Congress, PengSri Lanka even cooperated with Trump to make speeches in the US think tank to high -profile criticism of China's political system and economic and trade policies.In addition to diplomatic occasions, Pence also insisted on tough religious conservatism in some internal affairs issues and won the favor of extreme conservatives.

Mike Pompeo is a political allies of Pence.Pompeo was able to descend from the position of Director of the CIA (CIA) to the State Council, replacing the then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, which was inseparable from Pence's recommendation.Of course, Pompeo and Pence are both candidates funded by the Brothers of the Republican Conservative Movement, and the eagle positions basically overlap.After Pompeo served as Secretary of State, he actively helped Trump to carry North Korean leader Kim Jong -un.However, after the Second Times, the Korean official media criticized Pompeo arrogant and hoped that Trump would replace Pompeo.At the same time, Pompeo frequently involved in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Taiwan's affairs in China has repeatedly accused Chinese human rights and democratic issues, which has also triggered the dissatisfaction of the Chinese government.

In other words, the two diplomatic objects that two Trump, China and North Korea do not like Pompeo.

Peter Navarro and trade representative Robert Lighthizer are political allies on trade issues, and their ideology is extremely strong.However, unlike Navaro, Leitchizer led the trade negotiations with China. During the period, he was indispensable to show elasticity and made necessary concessions to meet Trump's request to reach an agreement with China as soon as possible.Including the Osaka Special Gold Association, Trump partially forbidden Huawei's measures, Littiche also had to be reluctant to accept it.

But Navarro is different. This person's discrimination against China is deeply rooted. The economic concept he holds is completely contrary to the world's mainstream economics and China's economic development experience.He provided Trump's economic data about the prosperity of the US economy, and he was not necessarily accepted by mainstream economists.Trump has always boasted that the US economy is at the best level in history, and most of them have been misled by Navarro and others.

John Bolton is so fierce.To this day, he still refused to acknowledge that the Iraq war was a mistake, and he tried to lead the war to Iran. Fortunately, Trump was aware of it and refuted the plan to increase the troops in the Middle East.It can be said that people from the United States, including mainstream public opinion, do not like Bolton.In addition, Bolton has regarded North Korea, Russia, and Iran for decades as enemies in the United States, but in the eyes of Trump, Russia and North Korea are partners, and Russian and North Korea leaders are his good friends.

The four gangs composed of these four influenced US foreign decisions. While using them, Trump also had to avoid falling into the quagmire of any side.

In the past three years, Trump has not built a lot of internal affairs and diplomacy, but there are many chaos.Through a series of personnel changes and power distribution and frequent manufacturing and transfer of crisis, Trump's strength over the crisis and various investigations, and finally turned his governance focus to the re -election election in 2020.In other words, in the next year, all the internal affairs and diplomacy will first consider whether it can help them successfully re -election.Different from the use of hawks to establish a tough image or leadership in the past two years, Trump, who is now re -elected for running, will turn to domestic affairs and consolidate the basic market for voters.

For external affairs, Trump can only promote his achievements. Even if you create an external sense of crisis, you must stay away from the edge of the war. Otherwise, the anti -war American voters will inevitably fall.Therefore, Trump naturally reuses more gentle schools.Even the most difficult diplomatic problems, Trump has to deal with it with a soft attitude. This is the case for the Korean Peninsula, and the same is true of the Sino -US trade war.

In this case, the position of the White House quot; the status of the four of the four people may be affected. Even if the position does not change, the right to speak will be forced to adjust.For example, after three special gold clubs and Xiti conferences, Trump adopted a posture with China and North Korea. Quot; Gang of QUOT; he would have to converge.

At the meeting with Kim Jong -un, Trump temporarily achieved the result of allowing North Korea to stop testing and conducting guidance, which is enough to make him explain to voters.In the first three special gold clubs, Trump was added.However, the fourth Time Club must not continue the first three models for seeing the first three times. It must have substantial content, such as discussing the issue of gradual cancellation of sanctions, normalization of US -DPRK relations, and how North Korea and how to abandon nuclear.Wait, otherwise you will only reduce points for Trump, after all, many people in the country still oppose Trump's reconciliation.

This kind of reconciliation attitude or route must inevitably be unable to reconcile with the stance of eagle factions such as Bolton and Pompeo.

The same is true of the Sino -US trade war.Trade Eagle Pattiuszawa and others have to accept a reality that Trump has been manipulating politics on trade issues and allowing it to serve his own interests.Regardless of what personal ideal demands of Navaro and Littich, they need to grasp a balance, that is, the balance between personal ideals, ambitions, and presidential interests.Leitchizer, a negotiating expert who used to bow his head in Japan, actually hoped to reach a trade agreement accepted by Trump to draw a successful end to his political career.

As far as the recently upgraded Mergi and Iraq, Bolton and Pompeo have always hoped that Iran has a color revolution to eliminate Iranian threats in a way to change.From suggesting that Trump tore up the Iranian nuclear agreement, resist diplomacy against Iran, to send troops to the Middle East, they seem to step by step towards the edge of the war.Fortunately, Polton and other plans to increase troops in the Middle East were also refuted by Trump.Refusing to fight against Iranian military confrontation will also be a line that Trump will be re -elected.

Therefore, if Trump wants to continue to promote the Peninsula issue, if you want to talk about it in the Sino -US trade negotiations, and to avoid opening another Middle East battlefield on the Iran nuclear issue, you must be alert to the White HouseQuot; Four helped Quot ;, restrict the right to speak in related fields.This may also be an opportunity for Trump to reshuffle the White House power and take the opportunity to replace the eagle.