Liu Yuanju: If the decourse of science and technology leads to the decoupling of the academic system, can China's academic evaluation independent, transparent, and honest, and then efficiently complete the identification of talents and academic directions?

The encounter between Huawei and ZTE; the U.S. Department of Commerce Industry and Security (BIS) incorporated 68 companies including Huawei into the entity list; IEEE's academic restrictions on Huawei;The concept of discounted US technology has entered people's vision.

The direct impact of science and technology on Chinese enterprises is relatively clear, which corresponds to a concept. Technical independence, that is, Chinese enterprises rely on technology and parts with completely independent intellectual property rights to replace existing foreign technology and parts, manufacture high manufacturing highTechnology Products.Surprisingly, as a company in the center of this topic, although Huawei announced its own operating system and chip, on the other side, the founder Ren Zhengfei stood up to cool down the concept of technology independence.

To some extent, this is because of the deeper influence of technology, which is ignored by many people.

Market decourse

If technology decouples becomes a long -term behavior, then when a country is unwilling to sell it, it will inevitably be unwilling to buy it.On the one hand, in order to their own business, foreign suppliers will gradually disappear and lobbying efforts and lobbying will gradually disappear, and greater administrative restrictions on Chinese products will follow.

On the other hand, economic and trade relations have always been the cockpit stones of China and the United States and even Western countries.When economic and trade relations are not enough to suppress many differences, there will be more ideological topics, and China's image will become negative.When foreign consumers see Chinese brands, they will think of negative images such as closed, blocking, and title. The concept of consumers will change. It will affect the competitiveness of Chinese products. Chinese products will gradually lose their international markets.Rapid.

Talent is the foundation of technology, but the most fundamental motivation of innovation is not talent, but the market.Engels said: Once there is a technical need for society, this need will push science to move forward than ten universities.Markets are more effective than professors and geniuses.From social needs to innovation, the process in the middle is the market, and the specific process of the market is to sell MDash; MDash; R & D MDASH; MDASH; Re -sales:The profit is greater; then enter the next innovation cycle to accumulate more investment in research and development.

Enterprise innovation is different from large national projects such as satellites and nuclear bombs.These large projects do not need to be sold. As long as it is done, the purpose is achieved. It can be carried out regardless of cost, but the company's market innovation is different.High -tech products must not only do it, but also have competitiveness in the market. We must make money to enter the next round of innovation cycle.Therefore, only when the market size becomes larger, the research and development costs are allocated, the cost is reduced, the competitiveness is enhanced, the profit is obtained, and the innovation can be sustainable.

Therefore, any high -tech enterprise cannot be separated from market share.People who give Huawei's innovation capabilities and praise, what they do not see is that in the global communication market, Huawei's share has steadily increased year by year.Huawei rose from 10 in 2011 to fifth other than in 2011.In 2017, Huawei Enterprise Network Equipment, the global market share jumped in the third.In 2018, Huawei's operator's business market share is the world's first, and the mobile phone business market share is second in the world.These are the most important factor in supporting Huawei's innovation.

It is worth noting that the so -called demand refers to effective demand and the demand for purchasing. Therefore, the market size is not only based on population, but a population -based purchasing power.Consumers in rich countries have changed their mobile phones for 2 years, and poverty -stricken countries have changed their mobile phones in 6 years. Then, the same population, the market size of rich countries is three times larger.Then technology companies facing wealthy countries, their innovation cycle will be three times faster.Therefore, to some extent innovation ability is closely related to the per capita income of the entry market.

In an international political game, a country has a vote, but in the market size required for innovative competition, it is one dollar and one vote, one euro and one vote.As a permanent member of the country, China, which enters the path of performance legitimacy, has fewer political needs for Asia, Africa, and Latinarian countries than before, but the demand for the global market, especially the market, is very strong.This market has innovative, technical, and huge consumer groups.In contrast, some countries in Russia, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, from the total GDP and the per capita purchasing power, only account for a small part of the entire international market.The number of these countries has increased a lot, but it is not large from the global market share required for innovation.

Therefore, the international environment required for innovation is not the same as the international environment required for international political games.There is great significance in international political games, which may be limited in international innovation competition.

If the market size of the enterprise is limited and the profits are not enough, it is not enough to support innovation, can you make up for the funds required for innovation through national subsidies?the answer is negative.

If corporate innovation cannot achieve a virtuous circle of sustainable development, what is the source of funds?Obviously, only the labor -intensive industries, agriculture, and tertiary industries are drawn, or taxes from takeaway brothers, ordinary white -collar workers, and old farmers.

First of all, such innovation has no market significance.The state's subsidy is actually cost. If the subsidy continues for a long time, the actual cost is greater than the selling price. Innovation will not only create wealth for the country, but will become a vulnerability for bleeding from national wealth.

Secondly, the improvement of such an industrial chain is also meaningless to the country.China's manufacturing industry has continued to rise along the industrial chain, which is in line with the laws of economic development itself.From another perspective, due to the long -term family planning, China's aging problem is very serious. At the same time, the economy is not enough.In the case of rising labor prices, maintain the sustainable development of society and economy.In other words, the high -tech industry needs to nurture takeaway brothers, ordinary white -collar workers, and old farmers.If China's high -tech industry needs continuous subsidies, it will lose the original significance of China's industrial chain climbing.

Academic Decumbling

In the globalization system, the transparent and efficient academic evaluation system in Western countries actually sends academic evaluation functions to China.For example, publishing articles in foreign journals, foreign academic titles are valid in China's scientific research system, which ensures the correctness of domestic academic directions and the objectivity of academic talents.It also avoided the demonstration of the will of the long officials of Qian Xuesen's murro.In this sense, China's innovation benefits from the academic system of Western countries, and ensuring democracy and the rule of law of this academic system.

Technological innovation is the pearl of the crown of the market economy.From the perspective of ideological freedom and academic freedom, technological innovation is also the crystallization of democracy and the rule of law that protects freedom.Therefore, through participation in international division of labor, China can play the advantages of low human rights, but also enjoy the dividends of Western democracy and the rule of law.

If the academic system is decoupled, can China's academic evaluation independent, transparent, and honest, so as to efficiently complete the identification of talents and academic directions?

Therefore, the decoupling of science and technology is not as simple as losing several parts, but will deeply affect the innovation of Chinese enterprises and affect China's innovative structure and innovation ability.Then, in order to maintain innovation ability, even if the technical connection with the United States has entered an irreversible trend, we must do everything possible to maintain and obtain global market share.To achieve this goal, there are many things that can be done.

Enterprise structure and market

When it comes to Huawei, many people will say that Nortel's failure.In the final analysis, Nortel's problem is old.Large enterprises, bureaucratic diseases, and greedy shareholders exist at the same time.But this itself is the law.Organization and enterprises also have old and sick.Human society relies on individuals to be born mdash; mdash; Death to maintain vitality, to some extent the same extent, the market's innovation ability depends on the replacement of enterprises.An organization, an enterprise, it is difficult to maintain the creativity of all ages in itself, even not in line with the law.

May wish to say a little farther.In the book against perfect, Sander discusses his views on the relationship between cutting -edge technology, human morality, ethics.In the book, he proposed such an example: athletes improved the performance of the field through genetic transformation.

In my opinion, the direction of human evolution is against thermodynamic arrows and is in the direction of lower entropy values. In the process, intelligence will inevitably take the initiative to participate in the evolution process. This external evolution is unstoppable.But back to reality, when the public believes that the Olympic Games should involve genetically modified athletes, this genetic transformation is afraid of absolute advantages, but it is meaningless to win medals.Then if you want to get a medal, you should either persuaded the public or actively adapt to this rule. Under the premise of non -genetically modified, competition and winning the championship.

Huawei's own company structure can prevent Huawei from the impact of the motivation of shareholders to pursue short -term interests, maintain long -term stability of strategic and governance, thereby maintaining the vitality of innovation and gaining competitive advantages.However, when this structure is not accepted by the concept of the international market and caused suspicion of various countries, it is afraid that this structure will have an absolute advantage in itself, but it is not significant to the goal of the reality of greater market share.EssenceThis is just like the absolute advantage of transforming gene athletes, but it cannot participate in the competition.

This is the company's mode and market adaptation issue.Of course, adaptation is divided into two aspects.On the one hand, to adapt to existing concepts, send non -transforming gene athletes, or change the company structure. Although this change will reduce the absolute advantage, in fact, it is closer to the actual goal.This seems to be self -limiting, but the goal of the company is not innovation, but profits.

On the other hand, companies can lobby and prove their rationality, just like in October 1999, the FIBA officially allowed athletes to participate in shark leather swimsuit.This persuasive work involves another deeper issue, that is, the relationship between the state and the industry chain.

National and Industrial Chain Location

With the gradual weakening of China's demographic dividend, the labor -intensive industry will inevitably gradually weaken. China needs to go to the upper ups and downs of the industrial chain. It uses higher added value products to maintain economic growth. The people's living standards are continuously improved, and the country has achieved stability and development.Therefore, China needs a high -end industrial chain. At the same time, the industry chain has also had requirements for governance structure and national image.

The production of socks is not required for governance structure, corporate image, and national image, but production and communication equipment are different.The more complicated, high -tech products, the more like a black box, the more transparent and open in the international image.The title, blocking, narrow nationalism, etc. will inevitably affect the overseas image of Chinese products.So we have seen China's greater opening up recently.So we see Ren Zhengfei in person to cool down for narrow nationalism.This effort is effective, but unfortunately, the effect quickly disappeared in countless articles that beat chicken blood.

To a certain extent, the public opinion field has not been identified well, and many unnecessary impacts have been produced.The war is reminiscent of internal control, mobilization, and accumulation of forces. The outside is attacking, alliance, confrontation, and tooth return to teeth, but in fact, a big vernacular, the international and complex economic situation, the negative impact is: affecting ChinaSelling goods, then what China has to do is to try to sell more goods.Then, in addition to the game between the country, the target orientation should be: more transparent, more trust, and more adaptable to the needs of the industrial chain position on the national image, so as to get a larger market.Loose to activate the domestic demand market.

(This article only represents the author's own point of view, responsible editor: Yan Man [email protected])