
Northern Remember

Chinese high -level officials have warned officials to make excuses for laziness for Yong.The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President of the Communist Party of China ... When chairing the meeting on Tuesday (9th), four officials: faint, lazy, mediocre, and greedy could not do it.

According to official media reports, ... at the central and state organs' party building work conferences, they required that they do not do political numbness and confused faint officials, do not be full of lazy officials who have been full of food all day, do nothing, do not push their skin, do not push their skin, and do not think aggressively.Yong officials, not being corrupt officials who are conspiring and degenerating, will never take anti -corruption as an excuse to take responsibility and inaction.

People's Daily described in the subsequent comments that the General Secretary gave the four officials to the four officials.Some Western media translated the full -time eclipse into English all day, and it sounded even more polite. The report said that the CCP's general secretary warned officials that officials were not eaten all day.

Here we must say a fair word. Many of the Chinese civil servants I have met in my work over the years have been very busy.In addition to having a lot of meetings, in recent years, they have to participate in more and more learning activities, saying that Chinese officials are full of poor food all day long.However, there are many people who are lazy in bureaucratic collectives.

Otherwise, China's senior management will not have been applied to cadres and officials to urge cadres and officials since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012.This kind of rhetoric was still persuaded in 2013. By 2014, it was upgraded to criticism. In October of that year ... At the summary of the mass line education practice activities conference, it should be ashamed of lsquo;Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang even pointed out that the corpse vegetarian meal is corruption, and laziness is also corrupt.

Yong Guan's lazy government then became a high -frequency word. In 2015, he entered the government work report for the first time in 2015. Li Keqiang warned in the government work report of the year that he must openly expose and resolutely investigate the responsibility for the government's work report.EssenceIn January 2016, ... the seminars participated in the participation of major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial level emphasized that the problem of officials is extremely important and very urgent.And laziness has also become the basis for being held accountable for high -level officials. The most noticeable example is that Sun Zhengcai, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Committee in 2017, was in 2017. His crimes include: mediocre laziness.

However, the trend in recent years is: the deeper the anti -corruption, the more serious the officials do.An explanation believes that due to the excessive pressure of comprehensive deepening reform, the official wind rectification is too severe, which leads to the risk aversion of bureaucratic production and more mistakes.

However, another reason cannot be ignored, that is, comprehensive anti -corruption has reduced the space for rent in power. They promote the oil and water that can be obtained by economic development.Don't accept it, don't eat the rice, and the red envelopes will not be collected, but what should be done is not done.The collective and laziness of collectiveness is the soft resistance of the interest group's deduction caused by anti -corruption, hidden and indirect political resistance. They openly question or vilify other policies such as anti -corruption.Damage is not related.It is also a kind of corruption that the central executives will not be qualitative, obviously pointing out.

Looking at the official documents of these years, the words of high -level and bureaucratic collectives often reveal the collective game of high -level and bureaucratic collectives, such as in January ... Refers to the pseudo -loyalty in a certain range of the party. At the end of January this yearIt reflects that there are policies and countermeasures in the new era.

In fact, this phenomenon is not rare in Chinese history.The central government must fight with the inertia of bureaucratic collectives, and mobilize the latter's enthusiasm. Since ancient times, it has been a major problem. Under the objective environment of high power asymmetry, negative idle work has always been a common way for subordinates and superiors to fight back.There is a word in the Analects of Confucius. According to the interpretation of the philosophers in Song and Ming, the officials refer to the officials.There are also comments and analysis that some of the experience of China's reform and opening up is to acquiescence some people's corruption in exchange for bureaucratic cooperation to promote economic development. Nowadays, high -level high -level anti -corruption and strict officials to force cadres to work are certainly difficult to do.

So, how to govern the officials who can't do it, don't want to do, or dare not cause it?

Those of insight have previously put forward many suggestions, including tolerance for officials who have made mistakes due to reforms, promote the scientific level of decision -making, and improve the performance evaluation model of officials. These are necessary measures.In addition, it cannot be avoided by greatly improving officials' treatment.The Chinese officials have been very low since ancient times, and they have not been there today; the gray space has been very large since ancient times, which has led to endless corrupt officials and mediocre officials.Like the management of human resources, the government must be rewarded and penalties, and it is necessary to acknowledge that officials also have their own interests. If they only rely on the sense of mission and morality to ask people to work, it is not fair, and it is generally difficult to last.It is inevitable.