Ming Pao News Agency

Disputes of the amendment of the fugitive regulations, the government reiterates that the second reading debate will be resumed as scheduled tomorrow. Anti -revision action also has an upgrade. In addition to preparing to surround the Legislative Council, some groups and merchants have called on strikes.Call people worry.The dispute over the repair is not simply about the fugitive, but also involves complex political wrestling. The space of the spinning space is getting narrower and narrower. All parties should take the stability of Hong Kong society as a thought to avoid pushing the situation to the worst direction.Hong Kong is a mature society, advocating peaceful rationality, and procedures for doing things. Members of Legislative Council have the responsibility to reflect public opinion. The situation has developed to this time. It is relatively appropriate to deal with the issues of conscience of the Legislative Council and deal with the problem of repairing the issues according to procedures and mechanisms.

The conflict scene hooks the dreams and is easy to go out.

On Sunday's anti -repair parade, although the actual number of people had different claims, the Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue also acknowledged that there were a lot of parade. There was no controversy.In 2003, the 500,000 parade opposed the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, and the government compromised the draft a few days later. However, no government plans to see the government this time.The government reiterates that the repair work continues, and the second reading debate will be restored in the Legislative Council tomorrow. Lin Zheng proposed four aspects, including the purpose of intensive explanation and repair, to explain to the Legislative Council to strengthen the content of the human rights guarantee policy statement early, and report the regulations on the Legislative Council regularly in the future.The implementation of the implementation and speeding up the long -term export of fugitives with other regions hopes to release public doubts. However, it is indeed a big question whether these measures are enough to change their positions.

The government's warehouse stroke amended the fugitive regulations, underestimated the people's response, and the political operations of different forces, the situation was not simply about transferring fugitive arrangements.The amendment of the regulations of the fugitives is complicated, and it should be widely counseled from the long -term plan.Even if the government starts extensive consultation and adjusts the content of the amendment, it will not change their views.Although the banner of the big march on Sunday is against the practice, the central government believes that the other political information and meaning mixed with other political information and meaning.

In theory, Hong Kong's legislative affairs are not directly related to the central diplomatic system. Yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the counter -repair parade, emphasizing that the central government supports the Hong Kong government's repair, and resolutely oppose external forces to interfere with the legislative affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.Disputes are already a contest involving foreign forces.Lin Zhengzan emphasized that the amendment to the fugitive regulations is the meaning of the SAR government and has nothing to do with the central government. However, it is undeniable that the central government has become a partner.The repair knot will only be pulled even more.The SAR government took the initiative to withdraw the draft like the last 23 legislation, and the opportunity was becoming more and more slim.

The government insisted on repairing, and the opposition to the power was actively mobilizing.The FDC is called to surround the Legislative Council. Every time the Legislative Council meets, the rally will be held, and some merchants and groups will initiate a strike on the market tomorrow.The violent impact scenes occurred in the General of Politics on Sunday at night, which made people pay attention to whether Hong Kong will fall into turbulence again.At this point, no one can predict what will happen in the next step. The government and all parties must be restrained to avoid worsening the crisis.

Conscience of the Legislative Council to vote for the crisis soft landing

If the big parade on Sunday once again reflects the peaceful rationality of most Hong Kong people, and the fierce conflict occurred late at night after the Sunday parade, it reflects that a small number of people in the society still obsessed with violence.Although the mess was after the government issued a press release to reiterate the recovery of the second reading, but many arrested people found scissors, blade and other attack weapons. I believe many people are prepared.EssenceIn their eyes, the only way to deal with institutional violence is to easily violence. However, the experience of occupying movement and Mong Kok riots has been explained that illegal and struggle or violence struggle.The effect is only to bring destruction and push the society to self -harm, but it may not help to achieve the goal.

After the march on Sunday, the convener of the Democratic Command called for members to vote against the vote during the draft regulations of the Legislative Council.Hong Kong is a mature society, with a perfecting chapter system, and has the ability to solve the crisis according to mechanisms and procedures. Any problems should be dealt with within the mechanism, and we should not be able to complain of the means other than the system.If the government has pushed the practice, it will definitely pay a heavy political price. At this critical moment, the society must be calm and rational, and do not go to the harsh self -harm of violent struggle.Repair disputes come to this step, and there are not many choices for soft landing. It is a more proper approach to vote by the Conscience of the Legislative Council according to the existing system and procedures.

The Legislative Council is a representative agency of public opinion. Each member should truly reflect public opinion. If you return to the public opinion, voters can use a ticket to punish them and pay the debt.With the current political situation, members are not ejected by political stances and the dominance of political forces. It is not easy to say that it is not difficult to say that it is not difficult. The key is whether there are political courage and determination.The Legislative Council rejected the practice and can provide political under political steps.