Hu Xijin, editor -in -chief of China Global Times, pointed out on Weibo on Weibo on Weibo on Weibo that he believes that most people pay more attention to people's livelihood rather than political confrontation.

According to the news released by Hu Xi into Weibo, Hu Xijin wrote that Hong Kong had such a demonstration of such a parade, which was originally a manifestation of no fuss under the framework of one country and two systems.He said that the basic law of public opinion is that as long as a society with 20%of people holds objections and is keen to express it, they can create a strong appearance of public opinion, but the appearance cannot be with the true public opinion of a society.Equal number.

Hu Xijin then pointed his finger to the United States and mentioned that politicians and other politicians such as US Secretary of State and the Speaker came out to support the Hong Kong opposition before, which was encouraged to those oppositions.He said that the United States is now particularly enthusiastic about Hong Kong affairs, which is obviously related to Washington's hope of turning Hong Kong into a new assistance direction for pressure on China.

Hu Xijin also pointed out that if street politics wants to dominate the future development direction of Hong Kong, it will undoubtedly be the disaster in Hong Kong.Hong Kong cannot turn itself into Kiev, Cairo or Bangkok.