Source: Global Times

On June 9th, the editor -in -chief of Global Times Hu Xi entered his personal Weibo and published an article. From his personal experience, he told some of his personal feelings in the background of the Sino -US trade war.

The full text is as follows:

I am a very ordinary Chinese. Although I have made a editor -in -chief of a market -oriented newspaper, I am not an official, but a work of work. A bunch of text and video and audio products are made every day. Colleagues know that Lao Hu knows that Lao HuHe is a typical physical labor. He often does not have the energy to read the manuscript when he is tired of doing the last audio in the middle of the night.

Lao Hu's loved ones are all in China. There is no penalty deposit abroad. My interests are like everyone. They are all in the hot soil of China.Especially looking forward to the goodness of the country, don't mess up, the economy can continue to develop, and there can be some relaxation and freedom.

My root is very beautiful. The round of ideas when I was young shaped my respect for Western culture, the great works of European enlightenment thinkers, the inspiration of American thinkers, and the analysis of the reasoning, which deeply affected me.

In my youth, I once thought that I couldn't keep up with the good days of the Chinese in my life.I still remember an article I read during the study, which said above: The gap between China and developed countries is getting bigger and bigger, and I was really discouraged at the time.

The first school fighter in our middle school went to the United States in the 1980s.The first place in the next school went to Japan.I envy them, but I have nothing to do, so I had to get together in this country.I got married in 1985, and the only electrical appliance in my family was a light bulb.

Later, I didn't know how to do it. The country changed a little bit. In 1993, I went abroad. When I went out, there was only a second ring road in Beijing. When I came back, there was a third ring road in Beijing.In 1999, I drove in the car and soon had four ring roads in Beijing.I was looking forward to: when will there be five ring roads in Beijing.I really look forward to it.Then the sixth ring road hell; hellip; hellip;

The Communist Party organized a plate of scattered sand like a non -mainstream manner today, creating a huge economic miracle.Until the age of 30, I made an editor at the People's Daily. My expectation for life at that time was to be able to go abroad to do a few journalists. When I returned to China, I could bring some indicators to bring some large pieces.Who would have thought that ordinary Chinese today can have a house, a car, a travel, going abroad, spending money to live in the hotel, and the life that foreigners can live in the movie?

Our days are good, but it has caused great trouble: the world's boss is not doing.Yes, China has developed so fiercely. When China changed its opening, our development level was similar to India. As a result, 40 years later, China GDP was 5 times that of India.There are so many population in China, smart, and willing to endure hardships.If this is more than 20 or 30 years, it is not really the first in the world?If I am an American, I won't do it.Why do you have to find a way to at least try to prevent it from continuing to rise.

So today, a trade war that is far beyond the significance of the trade war.Unexpectedly, Trump was really ruthless, and he had to knock down China.

What do you say?Frankly speaking, all this is the disaster that the Chinese live a good life.We all bought color TV refrigerators, so China GDP reached the level of Italy.We all have houses and cars, so China GDP becomes second in the world.Next, we all have good medical care, good education, good pension, good vacation, ecological food and social security, and we will return to the sky. These gradual realization process will become the world's largest economy.The core requirements of the United States are: You TMD stopped these, which is not the day you should live.Your business should be to learn Western democracy, tossing for a hundred years, multi -parade demonstration, and asking for learning from the United States.Who made you develop like this?

To be honest, at the beginning, I felt that the American guy hit China and forced China to further reform and open.But later, especially after the United States wanted to set up Huawei, I became more and more convinced that Americans were really bad this time.

We are facing choices: 1. Listen to the United States, interrupt the development model and national rejuvenation so far, stop the economic and technological fields that are gradually competing with the United States.Progressing again, let Washington strategically feel at ease, be the vassal of the United States, 2. Resolutely resist the pressure of the United States, and defend China's right to continue development in the way of self -choice.We strive to fight against the United States without breaking, not going towards a comprehensive strategic confrontation, but we must also have the worse spiritual preparation of Sino -US relations than the current situation.

I agree with a judgment: such a choice is a bit earlier to China. If we can postpone another 10 years and 20 years, we will take the initiative.But this argument is meaningless today. The reality is that we must make this difficult choice.

Lao Hu's proposition is that everyone unite and resolutely support the government's basic attitude that does not take the initiative to fight but not fear.I think that although it is difficult to do so, today's efforts will win a greater space for our long -term life.

We must see that although today's government has disadvantages, it is true for the benefit of the Chinese nation, and for the Chinese people's rights to continue to improve their lives and fight against the United States to suppress the United States.At this historical juncture today, there is no second force that can defend our interests.

There are a lot of confusion to make decisive concessions. They are selfish and want to find their own political opportunities through the national drama.They are too easy to be manipulated by the American forces, and they are naive even if they are not vicious.

There is no reason for the Chinese government to do things that are not good for the country and the people in negotiations and struggles against the United States.If the party collapses, the government will collapse, China will break through, and the United States will be able to break each other, turning regimes from all over China into a pro -American regime.What Washington wants most is this.

It is hoped that the government will give full play to the mass line and make all of this clearly with the people.China's unity and persistence ability will determine the future of this country and everyone.