Ji Yan Chunqiu

The National Development and Reform Commission of China announced the day before yesterday that it is leading the organization to study and establish a national technical security management list system to prevent and resolve national security risks more effectively.This is after the launch of the unreliable entity list system on May 31, China launched a single counterattack battle again.

The so -called counterattack is of course a counterattack against the United States based on its domestic law sanctions.Xinhua News Agency bluntly pointed out in a comment the night before that at present, some countries have adopted extreme means to block the global scientific and technological cooperation system, and the Chinese banner expressed objections clearly.Establishing a national technical security management list system is intended to establish a solid barrier to ensure the security of major core advantages of the country and prevent some countries from using China's technology to curb the development of China's development.

The official has not yet explained the content of this technical security management list, but it is certain that this list will strengthen the protection of China's major core advantage technology and provide legal basis for China's regulation of foreign technology exports.At the same time, this list is supplemented with the unreliable entity list. Once some foreign companies are recognized by Chinese technology to suppress Chinese companies, they may be punished by China and even laws.

The unreliable entity list and technical security management list is also nominally maintaining national security. This is exactly the same as that in the United States to formulate domestic law in the name of maintaining national security and the implementation of long -arm jurisdiction on foreign companies and individuals.In other words, under the situation of the comprehensive upgrade of the Sino -US economic and trade game, China began to study the United States to protect the country with the rule of law, and to cure its body with its own way.

Since last year, the Chinese communications industry giants ZTE and Huawei have been included in the entity list by the US Department of Commerce.ZTE paid huge fines and agreed to escape for a while after accepting the US inspection, but Huawei is still chased by the United States as the number one target in China to the world, facing tremendous pressure and risk.

The physical list system of the US Department of Commerce is sanctioning companies, individuals and even countries in the name of national security.Once the company is on this list, US companies cannot sell or transfer US technology to companies or individuals in the entity list at will and need to apply for a license.After Trump served as President of the United States, the entity list of the US Department of Commerce added 190 organizations and individuals.

The United States can not only conduct export control in accordance with domestic regulations, but also arrest the person in charge of foreign companies that have been identified by the law, and even cross -border grasp. This is the jurisdiction of long arms.Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada, the result of the jurisdiction of long arms in the United States.

For enterprises and individuals in other countries, long -arm jurisdiction is indeed quite domineering.However, the United States is the boss of the world, and the rule of law is relatively complete. Even if the long -arm jurisdiction makes many companies and some countries unhappy, few other countries are willing to or dare to challenge them.

The goal launched by China, the goal obviously includes the jurisdiction of the United States.The question now is: To what extent can the Chinese list system counter to the entity list of the United States?Will China's list system become another version of the long -arm jurisdiction in the future?

The China National Development and Reform Commission said the day before yesterday that the establishment of a national technical security management list system was to prevent and resolve national security risks more effectively.

The so -called prevention means technology that may threaten China's national security risks that may be included in the management list.At the same time, if foreign companies buy products made by Chinese technology, they are used to threaten China's national security. For example, rare earths refined by Chinese technology may also be included in the management list.Both of these meanings have a lot of interpretation space, and the right to interpretation is exactly in China.

From this perspective, China's unreliable entity list and technical security management list will indeed have some colors jurisdictional, but they are mainly used to fight against the US economic and trade counterattack, or they will become the Chinese version of the long -arm jurisdiction in the future.I am afraid that no one can say.

The People's Daily commented yesterday that the establishment of a national technical security management list system does not mean that the pace of China's open door will be closed and cooperation will slow.To strengthen technological cooperation with countries around the world to achieve win -win sharing, China is as firm as ever.

The official media's statement is necessary.From a large perspective, reform and opening up are still a big strategy that China must adhere to for a long time. China has repeatedly announced that it will never dominate and strive to build a community of human destiny.Even in the future, the abuse of long -arm jurisdiction is obviously not in the strategic interests of China.