Hong Kong officially recommends regulating network car rental platforms. It is recommended that through the law, it is clear that the license and several licensing conditions are clearly regulated.

Comprehensive Ming Daily Xingdao Daily and Hong Kong 01 reported that the Hong Kong Transport and Logistics Bureau submitted documents on Monday (July 8) to the Legislative Council to explain to the crackdown) And the results of the about the taxation platform of the regulatory network, put forward the above suggestions, and set the goal of setting up legislative proposals in 2025.

The Legislative Council Transportation Commission will meet on Friday (12th) to discuss the preliminary investigation results of cracking down on white -brand cars and regulatory network car rental platforms.

Zhou Guoqiang, the chairman of the minibus merchant of Hong Kong, said that he was glad to see that the Hong Kong government was determined to go to regulatory network car rental platforms.

Uber, a private carrier, said that seeing the important role of the Hong Kong government must be the role of online car rental in the Hong Kong transportation system, and welcome its regulating the general direction of the online car platform. "This is also right.We have been committed to fighting. "

Uber also said that any number of people supplied by car on the Internet will seriously affect thousands of dependent platforms to obtain drivers who have eased income opportunities, and may lead to Hong Kong citizens to faceMore expensive and reliable point -to -point transportation services.