The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will raise 10%of public housing rents from October, and the average rent of each tenant will be raised by 230 yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, S $ 40).Hong Kong Government officials said that the increase in the borne of the tenants.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the online media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Hong Kong Housing Bureau submitted this year's public housing rental review document on Monday (July 8) to the Legislative Council Housing Affairs Committee.The rent will be increased by 10%, which will take effect from October.

He Yongxian, the director of Hong Kong Housing, said that after raising, the actual monthly rent of Hong Kong public housing will increase by 49 yuan to 572 yuan, and the average rent of each household will be raised by 230 yuan.Except for 100,000 public housing housing, it is a CSSA outdoors paid by the Hong Kong Government. More than 60 % of residents' monthly rent increase is less than 250 yuan per month, which is a burdenable level.

She mentioned that there are measures to ensure that the tenants who need it have appropriate support. As of March of this year, more than 22,000 tenants have been funded by the housing committee rental assistance plan for the time being, and they can be obtained.Reducing 50%or 25%of rent, coupled with one -time special exemption measures, allows most tenants to get width for three months.

The Hong Kong Housing Bureau also suggested that in the first three months after the rent adjustment, the extra rent that the public housing tenants needed to pay due to rent adjustment, that is, the new rent in January next year, next January, next JanuaryOnly the "rich households" with better economic conditions will not cover the exemption measures.

He Yongxian said that the lease increase in the first three months after the adjustment of the lease removal is equivalent to the rental income of 575 million yuan in the housing committee.Polices, so 'rich households' are not covered. "

She emphasized that many data have been considered before the launch of special exemptions of the Hong Kong Government, including the increase in rent, the increase in house income increase than the rising rent of public housing, and the proportion of rents in renting the households.At the same time, the financial sustainability of the Housing Committee is also considered.

According to the regulations, the Housing Committee must review the rent of public housing every two years, adjust the rent at a change of the income index, up to a maximum of 10%.Under the calculation of the public housing rent adjustment mechanism, the tenant's household income index was 10.73%.

It is reported that from 2007 to 2023, the cumulative increase in household income of public housing tenants increased by 131%, while public housing rents increased by 87%with the increase in rental.

As for whether to consider adjusting the 10%"cap" arrangement in the future, He Yongxian pointed out that the current approach is reasonable, the cap mechanism is appropriate, and no adjustment arrangements are made.

The current proposal of rental increases in public housing has not yet passed. It remains to be discussed on July 19, and it may be modified and adjusted at that time.If it is recommended to pass the effect on October 1st, the non -rich tenant has a three -month rent increase exemption, and the rent will be increased on January 1, 2025.