The Hong Kong government will require all media to inquire about the owner of the license plate next Monday (January 8), and it is necessary to pass the approval of the Hong Kong Transport Department to involve major public interests.However, the Hong Kong media industry questioned that the move was intervention in the media, and the Hong Kong Transport Department was not a media expert, and it was not suitable for defining whether it involved public interests.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and the online media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Hong Kong Transport Department announced that it will launch a new regulations for license plate checks next Monday, which indicates that the three conditions available for license plates, including registering car owners, obtaining the obtaining car owners, obtaining the obtaining car owner, obtaining the obtaining car owner, obtaining the obtaining car owner, obtaining the obtaining car owners, obtaining the obtaining car owner, obtaining the obtaining car owners, obtaining the obtaining car owners, obtaining the obtaining car owner, obtaining the obtainedRegistering the owner's written consent, or the applicant's statement that the rights and interests of him / its owner are directly affected because the ownership of the vehicle is directly affected, so it is necessary to determine the vehicle information.Check the conditions of the license plate.

If the above conditions do not meet the above conditions, involve major public interests, checking the license plate needs to submit a written application. In addition to providing adequate and detailed statements, it must also ensure that obtaining information will not be misused and abused by abuse., And then submitted to the Director of the Transport Department for approval.There is no appeal mechanism for approval and no approval time. The director only responded to "approval will be processed as soon as possible."

The Hong Kong Transport Department said that the personal data of the vehicle registration book has privacy and should be guaranteed. The director has the responsibility to ensure relevant information and minimize the disclosed data risk.

In response to the definition of public interest, the Director of Transport Li Songen said that there was no extensive and objective definition, and it would consider the case and the content of the applicant.

In this regard, the Hong Kong Records Association questioned that the Director of Transportation defines what is "public interest" and the substantial intervention of the media investigation is very inappropriate.EssenceAccording to the Association, as long as the director confirmed the identity of the applicant's journalist, it is enough to use the license plate information.

The Journalism Executive Association recognizes the right to know the right to know and the privacy.The association urges the official to form a clearer and clear definition of the application conditions, increase transparency, and list professional news reports as a major public interest to better protect the public's right to know.