Chinese tea brand Mixue Bingcheng submits a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Tuesday (January 2), ready to go public in Hong Kong.

Comprehensive Surging News and Securities Times reported that the documents submitted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange by Mixue Bingcheng showed that the sponsor of the listed listing was Bank of China, Goldman Sachs and UBS Group.

This is not the first time Mixue Bingcheng has applied for listing.In September 2022, Mixue Bingcheng plans to publicly issue stocks and listing in the A -share market for the first time. It has landed on the main board of the Shenzhen Exchange.Essence

In the shareholders' structure before listing, Zhang Hongchao and Zhang Hongfu were the unanimous actors of the company.The two held a total of 86.46%.

Honey Snow Ice City is a tea brand with the largest number of stores in China, with more than 30,000 stores in China.Mixue Bingcheng is mainly based on low -cost strategies, and its core products are usually between 2 yuan and 8 yuan, so as to quickly expand in Chinese and overseas markets in China.

As of September 30, 2023, Mixue Bingcheng opened about 4,000 stores in 11 countries overseas.

Data show that Honey Snow Ice City's revenue in 2022 and nine months before 2023 was 13.6 billion yuan and 15.4 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 31.2%and 46.0%year -on -year.100 million yuan and 2.5 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 5.3%and 51.1%.