The Hong Kong economy, especially the catering retail industry, has been weak in the past year. The district councils in many districts in Hong Kong have proposed different activities to promote regional economic development on Thursday (January 4).It is difficult to enhance the regional economy. It is recommended that the Hong Kong Government's coordination is recommended, and the districts should not "fight alone".

After the Hong Kong epidemic ended early last year, the number of travelers visiting Hong Kong has not fully recovered.According to data from the Immigration Department, in December last year, only about 2.9 million Chinese mainland passengers entered Hong Kong in Hong Kong, including all entry ports, including the airport, decreased by about 43%from 2018.Visitors' consumption habits have also changed significantly. Many people no longer go to luxury stores to sweep goods, but favors online red cafes or strange street views.

In addition, due to the depreciation of the renminbi, more and more Hong Kong residents have been consumed in Shenzhen, which has led to a weak performance in the Hong Kong catering and retail industry in the past year."REL = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Night Economy is particularly serious.Some people in the Hong Kong bar industry pointed out that many bars and nightclubs that open overnight before the epidemic are now choosing to close at around 2 am due to few customers, and the number of vacant stores in Lan Kwai Fong increased.

Multiple district councils intend to promote economic development, Eight Immortals, Eight Immortals, Each Each of the Sea, and Each of the Each of the Sea

After the Hong Kong New District Council performed newly on January 1, the District Council of the 18th District of Hong Kong held a conference from Thursday.Multiple district parliaments have put forward activities for promoting regional economic development.Among them, the Central and Western District Council discussed the settlement of "punching points" to attract tourists. Finally, the arched corridor was set up to create a motion of time tunnel by adding lights to the old psychiatric hospital of Xiying Pan.

On the same day, the Council of Huangdaxian District, which was held on the same day, was recommended to set up an arched device at the empty ground in front of the Yellow Daxian Temple, and wrote "Huang Daxian" on the top of the arch.Floor painting.The Saigon Civil Affairs Department plans to set up three punching points on Tseung Kwan O and Saigon City this year, including the establishment of various healthy life dolls of Chinese anime characters "good baby" in the southern Terrace Park of Tseung Kwan Oasuka South Waterfront Park.

Kowloon City plans to jointly organize a carnival in mid -April this year to provide visitors with cultural experiences such as Thai food, song and dancing, and Muay Thai competition to visitors.Promote the characteristics of Kowloon City Food, Buy, and Play.

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong Specialty College, believes that in the United Morning Post, it is believed that the district parliamentary proposes to hold different economic activities to help attract tourists to visit Hong Kong. However, due to the small scale of most activities, it is not largeThe highlights of the overall tourism industry in Hong Kong will not be too great.

Chen Weiqiang pointed out that after the three -year epidemic in Hong Kong, tourists visiting Hong Kong have not been able to return to the number of people in the peak of the past, mainly because Hong Kong adopted high land price policies, stores are high, and product prices are significantly higher than nearby cities in Guangdong Province.In addition, Hong Kong's service level is getting worse and worse, and many tourists don't like to come to Hong Kong.

He believes that if the Hong Kong Government wants to attract tourists to Hong Kong, you can consider discussing the business hours of the business industry, especially the food industry and shopping malls, and revitalize the Night Economy .In addition, you can also invite international superstars to perform in Hong Kong, or hold large -scale fireworks performances to increase attractiveness to tourists.

The assistant professor of the Department of Marketing of Hong Kong Hang Seng University said that although there are different landmarks in various districts to be attracted, Hong Kong's place is small, and the nature of the tenants in different shopping malls is similar to each other.The participation of citizens and tourists, even if there is a flow of people, may constitute the dilemma of "Wang Ding is not prosperous".He believes that it is now a single district to fight alone, and it is difficult to have economic activities at all.

He emphasized that although the original intention of the district council was good, the Hong Kong government required the Hong Kong government as a coordinated plan.At present, there is no theme in various districts that it is difficult to close. Instead of doing their own, it is better to upgrade to the implementation of the whole Hong Kong.