The case of suicide in Hong Kong students has continued to rise in recent years, and 3.7%of interviewed middle school students have planned suicide in the past year.Experts from the interviewed education community pointed out that the rising number of Hong Kong school children's suicide may be related to the greater challenges facing them during the epidemic period and the social recovery. It is recommended that the business community creates a workplace with a balanced work and life, and gives employees more parent -child time.

The Student Health Service Center under the Hong Kong Department of Health will provide free annual health inspection services for primary and secondary school students qualified in Hong Kong every year.In the past, a student ratio of a health assessment center, specialist clinic or other institutions had to be referred to the health assessment center, specialist clinic or other institutions due to psychological and behavioral problems, an increase of 0.7 percentage points from the 2018 to 2019.

The student self -assessment questionnaire collected by the Student Health Service Center also shows that in the past 12 months, the proportion of students who had plans to commit suicide was as high as 2.8%, and 1.3%of students said that they had tried to commit suicide.Among them, the proportion of middle school students is relatively high, and the proportion of suicide is 3.7%, and the ratio of suicide is 1.6%.

The Hong Kong Department of Health pointed out that the medical staff of the Student Health Service Center and the Health Evaluation Center, including doctors, nurses, clinical psychologists, have strengthened their attention and mental health needs, and provided individual counseling and suggestions.The youth health service plan team under the Student Health Service Center also visited 279 middle schools in the previous school year. External activities promoted students' physical and mental health and mental health.

Data show that the suicide rate in Hong Kong has risen since 2020. The Hong Kong Jockey Club of the University of Hong Kong has estimated that the suicide rate in 2022 will increase by 17.9%compared with the previous year, with an average of 100,000 people per 100,000 people.14.5 committed suicide.

Among them, the increase in suicide in Hong Kong school children has increased significantly.The Hong Kong Jockey Club from the University of Hong Kong prevented the suicide research center quoted the police figure last November that as of November, 306 students had tried to give birth, of which 269 were rescued, 37 died, and the average age was 15.8 years.About 62%of young students have medical records, mainly including mental health, special learning needs, and physical health problems.About 39%of the cases were followed up by social welfare institutions beforehand.

Xue Langtian, an educational psychologist from the Mestups Research Center, said that the reason for the light students of some students "seem to be very mild", such as forgetting to bring homework, lies, etc."Explanation" reflects that they are "difficult to face their failure, or feel that there are no mistakes in life", which is worrying.

Many Asian regions have also faced the deterioration of suicide in school children in recent years.Taking Japan as an example, according to the Asahi Shimbun, from mid -2022 to March 2023, Japan's previously recorded number of students' suicide numbers, a total of 514 primary and secondary school students committed suicide.The Japan National Chengyu Medical Research Center analyzed that the epidemic is the main reason for the rise in students' suicide rate. Due to the cancellation of sports and music lessons during the epidemic, education lacks diversified development, so that students can only focus on academic performance.Own.

Liang Yongle, an educational expert who wrote a parent -child column in many media in Hong Kong, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that during the three -year epidemic period, students did not need to return to school to stay in school. They stayed at home for a long time.After the epidemic, students' lives quickly changed, and they must face greater challenges, so that the number of school children's suicide cases has risen in recent years.

Liang Yongle believes that Hong Kong students have serious emotional problems. Another reason is also related to the Hong Kong assessment system and parents' ideas of "reading high" in children's education.Hong Kong society has always attached great importance to academic achievements. There are many homework homework. Many students feel stressful, and there are symptoms of depression and anxiety.He believes that parents and schools should inculcate the concept of "running the champion" to students and reduce the pressure of students.

He also said that in addition to paying attention to the academic pressure of students, society must also care about the daily growth of students.To do this, in addition to the government to provide greater support, the business community should also cooperate to create a friendly environment of balanced work and life, and give employees more parent -child time.

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