Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, believes that while digitalization brings opportunities, it also brings challenges, such as the impact of the development of artificial intelligence on existing jobs.Expand the region and scale of data to Hong Kong.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Ming Pao and Sing Tao Daily reported that Chen Maobo said at a new opportunity summit on the digital economy development on Thursday (January 4) that Hong Kong, as an international financial center and scientific and technological innovation hub, must promote the digital economy to promote the digital economyDevelopment and emphasizing that the competition in related fields is very fierce, the evolution is fast, and it will be greatly behind people.

Liang Zhenying, vice chairman of the Chinese CPPCC, said at the same summit today (January 4) that if Hong Kong is to integrate into the overall national development situation, it is necessary to look at the whole country, and emphasize that it is necessary to do well, deepen, and stronger.The data economy activates the development of the data economy in the Greater Bay Area.