(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The liquidation procedure of the Hong Kong Citizen Party has come to an end. The 17 -year -old Pan -Democratic party will be officially dissolved in March next year.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and "Hong Kong 01" reported that Liang Jiajie, chairman of the Citizen Party Interim Committee Liang Jiajie, said on Saturday (December 23) that the temporary executive committee will be resigned on Sunday (24th).It was officially dissolved in March next year.

The Citizen Party passed a special resolution in May this year to perform voluntary liquidation procedures.The cleaner held a company's final meeting on Saturday to submit to members and explain the clear report.Clear people have donated the Hong Kong Charity Fund for the RMB 97,494 (about S $ 16,522).

The Hong Kong Citizen Party was founded in March 2006. The core members are mostly legal people, including Yu Ruowei, Liang Jiajie, Wu Yiyi, Tang Jiayu, and Yang Yueqiao.

In the 2019 Hong Kong District Council election, the Citizen Party obtained 32 seats and became the second largest party of the District Council.However, after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law following the following year, several members of the party were prosecuted for the preliminary selection of the Democrats. In addition, many party members collectively resigned from the position of members, which led to zero the Citizen Party's seats in the Legislative Council and the District Council.

When the Citizen Party held an anniversary conference in December last year, because no effective registration was received, no one entered the dissolution process because no one received.

After the Citizen Party announced the dismissal of the liquidation, Liang Jiajie issued a statement in the name of the party chairman in May this year that the Citizen Party members will never give back in the issue of democracy and rule of law.The process of democratization and opening up has been implanted.I hope that the people in Hong Kong will live well and look forward to tomorrow.