Hong Kong's real estate market in 2023 hit the lowest level in 33 years, reflecting the serious downturn in the local property market.

Bloomberg reported that the number of overall buildings in Hong Kong last year was 50,8023, which was the lowest level since the Central Plains Real Estate began to record the data in 1991.The sales volume of second -hand housing also hit a new low of 28 years.

It is reported that the rising interest rate and the outflow caused by the tightening of the control during the epidemic in the epidemic situation have caused a heavy damage to the Hong Kong property market.In the context of the dimming environment and uncertainty in interest rate adjustment, it is expected that the real estate market in Hong Kong will continue to be sluggish in 2024.

Knight Frank predicts that Volkswagen's prices will be flat or falling by up to 5%.

In addition, the number of mortgages in Hong Kong has dropped to more than 20 years, which also reflects the challenges facing the property market.According to the report of Meridian mortgage, Hong Kong last year's current mortgage number was 73,906, which was the lowest level since the record in 2001.The number of mortgages in the year of the year was 1581, a new year since 2005.

Cao Deming, the chief vice president of meridian mortgage, said that the Hong Kong economy has not fully recovered, developers have been blocked, and the performance of the second -hand housing market is weak, which affects the number of existing buildings and building flowers.

In order to boost the property market, Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao announced in the policy report last October announced launched three measures to "reduce spicy" (relaxation of partial sales restrictions) measures , including shortening the applicable period of additional stamp duty from three years to two years; buyers' tax and new residential stamp duty tax ratesHalf to 7.5%; in addition, the property stamp duty of foreign talents changed from "first levy and then retreat" to "exemption and then levy."

Li Jiachao believes that the market still needs time to adapt to "reduction".He said: "The environment of the entire property road is affected by the global economy, especially high interest rates. This is the pressure and challenge that Hong Kong and other economies have faced. Of course, buying a house is a big decision. After everyone is inquiring, everyone is inquiry.It will be determined by Hong Kong's current actual situation. It takes some time to consider it. "