Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao on Thursday (June 8th) at the 2023 speech at the Hong Kong Industry Federation Industrial Fair, said that the Hong Kong government has promoted the new type of industrialization.The decline of the ratio.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Li Jiachao said that in the 1970s and 1980s, the manufacturing industry was a large pillar of the Hong Kong economy, creating a golden lacquer signboard of "Made in Hong Kong.""Today we have devoted to promoting the work of promoting the new type of industrialization. Now that we have first seen the results, we have successfully reversed the decline in the ratio of the manufacturing industry to account for the proportion of local GDP."Since then, many projects that support new industrialization have been promoted.The Hong Kong Government announced the blueprint of Hong Kong's innovative technology development, leading the vision of Hong Kong to realize the International Innovation Center.One of the four directions proposed by the blueprint is to improve the innovation ecosystem and achieve new industrialization of Hong Kong.

Li Jiachao pointed out that at the same time, in order to effectively promote the development of new industrialization, he proposed to design a new industrial commissioner at the top -level design, set up a new industrial commissioner under the jurisdictionStrategy and work.He was glad to hear the members of the Legislative Council's support for this proposal. The Finance Committee has approved the government to open this important post, and the Innovation Science Bureau will start recruitment as soon as possible.

Li Jiachao also said that the Hong Kong Government has subsidized the establishment of more intelligent production lines through the "Rean Industrialization Funding Plan", with a number of about 30 in the middle of last year, a large increase to more than 50 existing existing.The Hong Kong Government is also promoting the establishment of the Microelectronics Research Institute and the Artificial Intelligence Supercomputing Center. In the future, it will provide more high -tech core technologies for hardware facilities and support more enterprises to turn smart production.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Sun Dong, director of the Hong Kong Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau, said in the same event that promoting new industrialization is the key to achieving high -quality development in Hong Kong. Science and technology empowerment is a new type of industrialization.Significant features.In the new era, innovation technology and industrial development are inseparable.In addition to the establishment of a series of support measures such as industrial commissioners, the Innovation Science and Technology Bureau will follow the five major aspects of promoting the new industrial development of Hong Kong, including talent, technology, fiscal support, promoting scientific research, and infrastructure construction.