(Washington/Beijing Comprehensive News) A former supervisor of the ByTedance Engineering Department of TIKTOK's parent company said that the company's party committee in the company used Tiktok's user data in Hong Kong in 2018 to identify and track the Hong Kong democratic school and protests.EssenceByte beating deny this statement.

Comprehensive Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg News, a former director named Yu Yintao (translated, Yintao Roger YU) revealed in a legal document submitted to the San Francisco High Court that a committee composed of the Communist Party of China protested in Hong Kong to protest the demonstration demonstration in Hong Kong.During the period, the mobile phone SIM card recognition information, IP address, search history, and browsing content records of demonstrations of demonstrations and protesters. The purpose is to identify and locate these users.

Yu Yintao said in the complaint that the party committee members of the byte beating company can obtain super user qualifications and check all the data collected by byte beating.He was fired in 2018 and made an improper dismissal lawsuit on the byte beating earlier last month.

Yu Yintao, who works in the United States, has worked in the Chinese office for a while.He said that byte beating also retains a backdoor channel for the CCP to use American user data.

The spokesman of the byte beating said the company strongly opposed the unfounded claims and allegations in the complaint.

The Wall Street Journal reports that applications that have long been beating in mainland China for a long time have always been different from other parts of the world. Tiktok only operates outside the mainland.For Tiktok, Hong Kong is a special market.In 2020, due to concerns about how to cope with the National Security Law of Hong Kong, byte beating to withdraw Tiktok from Hong Kong.