For Japan's preparations for the discharge of the nuclear waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government emphasized that once Japan discharge nuclear waste water, Hong Kong will take measureEssence

Xie Zhanhuan, director of the Hong Kong Environment and Ecological Bureau Xie Zhanhuan on Thursday (June 8), wrote in the Dagong Pao that in order to ensure the health of Hong Kong citizens, the government has set up a cross -department special responsibility group.Take measures, including the import of aquatic products from high -risk counties along the Fukushima area, and the import of aquatic products in high -risk counties in Fukushima, as well as strict import control to other aquatic products in other risks.

Xie Zhanhuan said that since mid -April, the Food Safety Center has gradually strengthened the radiation testing of imported food imports, especially aquatic products.

He also reminded the food importers and the catering industry to make arrangements early, while quickly distributed the correct information to the public and the industry to prevent people from misunderstanding of the edible seafood due to rumors.

After the Fukushima nuclear power accident in Japan, Hong Kong has restricted some Japanese food imports, including Fukushima's vegetables and fruits, milk drinks and milk powder, which are not allowed to import Hong Kong.

However, Fukushima's living, freezing or refrigerated aquatic products, as well as frozen or refrigerated spectacles, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, as long as the official radiation certificate issued by Japan can still be imported in Hong KongEssence