Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council of China on Thursday (18th), met with the Hong Kong student Beijing exchange group led by the convener of democratic ideas, and affirmed the role of democratic ideas and encouraged them to continueWe firmly support the policy of one country, two systems, and advice and suggestions.

According to Ming Pao reports, Xia Baolong met with the "Democratic Thought" in Beijing on the morning of the "Democratic Thought" of the Fifth Student Beijing Exchange Group of the Hong Kong Political and Administrative Academy.Yang Wanming, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office, also participated in the meeting.

Xia Baolong expressed affirming the role of democratic ideas, and encouraged their members and students of Xueyuan to continue to support the policy of one country, two systems, actively provided suggestions, exert their strength, better play their role, to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, promote the two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems.Practice has made greater contributions.