The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government reported that in order to solve the problem of "talent shortage" in multiple industries, on Tuesday (May 16), the "Hong Kong Talent List" will be expanded, from the current 13 majors to 50 items to 50 items to 50 items to 50 items to 50 items to 50 itemsEssence

According to the online media "Hong Kong 01" report, the Hong Kong government plans to announce the expansion of the Hong Kong talent list by nearly three to 50 majors on Tuesday. Among them, 13 medical majors in the medical field will be on the list, including doctors and dentists, Tooth health staff, nurse, midwife, Chinese medicine, pharmacist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, medical chemical inspection, optical engineer, radiologist, etc.

The construction industry is another big union on the list, involving civil engineering, house equipment, construction sites, mechanical and electrical, measurement and other fields.Experts engaged in art promotion and cultural heritage restoration will also be included in the new list.

However, the list of above -mentioned fields does not mean that professionals in these areas do not have to pass the exam to get employment in Hong Kong.Let the field specialty go to Hong Kong to find employment.

Reported that regardless of Chinese or overseas, as long as it is a specialty list on the list, it can become a candidate.It is reported that the major included in the list still needs to be in line with Hong Kong's registration system.

The Hong Kong government made the first talent list in 2018 to attract high -quality talents more effectively.After the review in 2021, the list currently covers 13 majors, which belongs to the most needed talents currently in Hong Kong, such as actuarials, senior fintech specialties, innovation and science and technology experts, shipbuilders, creative industries and performance art.Essence

The professional applicants who meet the list of talents will benefit from "general employment policy" and "entered the Mainland (Mainland China) Talent Plan" and "Excellent Talent Immigration Plan".Under the above plan, when employers recruit talents in these areas, they do not need to prove that companies are facing recruitment difficulties. After the applicant is evaluated, he can bring the adoptive to Hong Kong to settle in Hong Kong before he goes to Hong Kong.