The Hong Kong Association and the Olympic Committee announced on Thursday (May 18) that they asked the Hong Kong Inthem Incident to propose a improvement plan within 14 days.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Ming Daily and Sing Tao Daily reported that the Hong Kong Association and the Olympic Committee decided to send a severe writing to the Bingxiao Association on this matter. The nature is like a warning.Resources, also said that the incident has come to an end.

The Hong Kong Association will also revise the guidelines for handling the national flag and Chinese national anthem. It is required that the Sports Federation must receive a standard national flag and the national anthem archives before each participating in international competitions.The organizer is signed in writing.

If the organizer refuses to check, the leader must refuse to attend the awards ceremony.The Hong Kong Association will introduce the new revised guidelines to each sports company.Yang Runxiong, the director of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said that the decision of the Hong Kong Association is very supportive.

The Hong Kong Ice Power Team participated in the competition in Persia in February this year. When the organizer played the national anthem representing the Hong Kong team after the game, the anti -repair song was willing to return to Hong Kong, not the Chinese national anthem.