(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Chinese tourism market achieved rapid recovery last year. Official data showed that more than 110,000 visa -free visa -free policies were implemented in China in China.It is expected that the number of travelers in China this year will exceed 6 billion, and tourism revenue is expected to increase significantly.

China National Immigration Administration released data on Monday (January 1). From December 1 last year, China, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Malaysia, Those who hold ordinary passports tried unilateral visa-free policies ; as of December 31, 2023, visitors from these countries from these countries were as of December 31, 2023.The total number reached 214,000, an increase of 28.5%compared to November.Among them, the number of visa -free entry with ordinary passports reached 118,000, accounting for 55.1%of the total number of entry in the six countries in the same period, and 77.3%of visitors' entry purposes were tourism leisure and business.The China Immigration Administration is planning to further optimize entry policies and services in order to come to China to engage in business, academic, tourism and other activities.

At the same time, the domestic tourism market in China quickly recovered, and the entry and exit tourism market achieved expected growth.According to data released by the China Institute of Tourism on January 1, Chinese residents' willingness to travel recorded a record high, with an average of 91.86%throughout the year, an increase of 4.52 percentage points from 2019.The Chinese tourism economy operation comprehensive index remained in the boom range, with an average of 109.95, close to the same period in 2019.

Research shows that the sinking markets such as small and medium -sized cities, central towns, and key rural areas in developed areas have become the emerging destinations and source of tourist tourism.

China Tourism Research Institute predicts that the number of domestic tourists in 2024 will reach more than 6 billion, and the tourism income will exceed 6 trillion yuan (S $ 115.1 billion).At the same time, it is expected that the number of tourists in and out of the country exceeds 264 million, bringing more than $ 107 billion (S $ 141.2 billion) international tourism revenue.The research institute pointed out that compared with the domestic tourism market is rapidly prosperous, the international tourism market may take four to five quarters to return to the previous peak level.