Journalist Yang Jinying

Recently, it was rumored that Nanshan Town, Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong, released the list of leisure personnel in 2023.On January 1, 2024, Jimu reporters learned from the staff of the Nanshan Town Government that the list is true.It is understood that on July 20, 2023, Nanshan Town proposed the formulation of "lying" and "leisure" personnel when convening a cadre conference, and proposed disposal opinions in accordance with the principle of "one person, one policy".

Net passage

The picture of the Internet shows that the style of Nanshan Town can be held on December 28, 2023 to publicize the listing list of Nanshan Town in 2023.The publicity article stated that according to the spirit of the leisure personnel and the last spurring personnel to handle the regulations, through the work links of talks, democratic evaluation, and the review of work style leadership groups, eight comrades were included in Nanshan through research and consent of the town party committee.The town was lying on the list of leisure personnel in 2023.During the publicity period, if there are different opinions, it can be reflected to the town's style through the form of calls and visits.The publicity time is from December 29, 2023 to January 5, 2024, with a total of 5 working days.

On January 1, Jimu Journalists called Nanshan Town's style of style and no one answered the phone.The reporter contacted a staff member of the Government of Nanshan Town. She said that the above publicity list was true, but she was not responsible for related work matters, so she was unclear.The reporter contacted one of the staff on the list of eight people, and the other party expressed that it was inconvenient to introduce the specific situation.

According to the WeChat public account of the People's Government of Nanshan Town, on July 20, 2023, Nanshan Town held a cadre conference to propose the "four major actions", including promoting great liberation actions, promoting a large -scale transformation actions, great promotion capabilities.Improve action and promote work.Among them, Nanshan Town proposed to strengthen supervision and management, including the formulation of "lying" and "leisure" personnel registers in the measures. In accordance with the principles of "one person, one policy", the classification comes out for disposal opinions.On the other hand, it is solidly promoting cadres to be able to go up and down. The measures include the establishment of a "last spur" working mechanism, optimizing the performance evaluation working mechanism, and strengthening the use of evaluation results.

The reporter sorted out and found that many cities in China have previously managed "lying -flat personnel".In 2022, the Organization Department of the Binhai County Party Committee of Jiangsu focused on the county management cadres and middle -level cadres who compiled the county and state -owned enterprises and institutions at all levels of the county and state -owned enterprises and institutions.The cadres of the 7 "lying" cadres were approved for concentration.The Organization Department of the Binhai County Party Committee continues to follow up and manage the "lying ones", set up a 6 -month tracking management period, and clarify that the unit's main responsible comrades serve as a political counselor, helping the "lying on the flattener" to boost the spirit and restart the new journey.According to media reports, the selection adopts the combination of mass selection, unit evaluation and organization evaluation.The "lying on the flat" is selected by the cadres and the masses of all units. Those who get more than 30%of the votes are identified as "lying", the highest is nearly 50%, and the least one is one -third.The results of the "lying" selection this time are basically consistent with the situation in the organization.Encourage "lying to cadres" to strengthen confidence and completely remove the "lying" hat.

In September 2023, the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee of the Tibet Municipal Party Committee jointly propaganda and online information opened a exposure desk in multiple official WeChat public accounts to report the negative typical cases of "lying flat" cadres and typical related cases of education conversion to guide the guidance.The majority of cadres perform their duties.The case released by the reporter's exposure platform properly blurred the name and specific unit of the cadre, but it notified the specific performance of the relevant cadres "lying down" in detail.

Jimu Journalists are looking for the "Lie Flat" activity around the Organization Department of the Binhai County Party Committee. Surging News has published a special commentator article that cadres certainly cannot "lie flat", but the measures to urge cadres can not be just a selectionActivity.It should include: the employment orientation of the emphasis on the actual achievements; give full play to the incentive and spurring role of cadre assessment and evaluation; to support cadres who dare to take on their backs; strive to enhance the ability of cadres to meet the requirements of the development of the new era;; Condensing to form a strong combination of innovation and entrepreneurship and so on.In short, inspiring the majority of cadres to act, after all, it is a systematic work. It is a vivid saying that "not lying" for cadres can be "not lying", but it is not advisable to carry out the selection of "lying" at will.I believe that as long as the enthusiasm of the cadres is mobilized through in -depth and meticulous work, no cadres will want to "lie down."

The deputy director and special professor of the Wuhan University Urban Safety and Social Management Research Center still believe that the "lying person" may be a literary term, not a policy or legal term. How to define the "lying person"?How to formulate the standards of "lying down" and "not lying flat"?There may be no support for relevant policies or laws.When operating as a policy, it is also easy to accidentally hurt.Shang Chongsheng believes that the selection of "lying people" should be cautious.

(Source: Polar News)