Han Wenxiu, deputy director of the Finance Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that in 2024, China's economic work must have more policies that are conducive to stable expectations, stable growth, and employment.The required institutional mechanism and policy measures must be removed in time.

Han Wenxiu, who is in charge of daily work on Tuesday (January 2), wrote in the People's Daily of the Chinese Official Media People's Daily that the current basic trend of the Chinese economy has risen and long -term good.Effective.However, it is also necessary to see that economic development is not only facing various unstable uncertainty factors, and it is also facing some difficulties and challenges. There is a blocking point in the large domestic cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance the awareness of anxiety and effectively respond and solve these problems.

Han Wenxiu wrote that the Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 requested that it is necessary to adhere to the stability, promoting stability, standing first and then break.Stability of progress is to take "stability" as the overall situation and foundation, more policies that are conducive to steady expectations, stabilizing, and employment, and carefully introduce contraction and suppression measures.

He said that in order to promote stability, it is necessary to master the strategic initiative of stable economic growth, guiding social expectations, and preventing risks.Forge ahead, consolidate the foundation of stability; strengthen forward -looking, reform measures and macro policies must strive to go before market changes and risk exposure to ensure that China's economic development is stable and far away.

Han Wenxiu also emphasized that it is necessary to make good use of scientific and reasonable new mechanisms, new experiences, and new rules to create new growth momentum. At the same time, it is necessaryInstitutional mechanisms and policy measures should be removed in time; we must stabilize, respect the laws, grasp the time effect, and "cannot be separated from reality and eager to achieve success."

Han Wenxiu said that China ’s“ domestic demand potential is great and is a rich mine ”. It is necessary to stimulate potential consumption, expand efficient investment, and form a virtuous circle of consumption and investment mutual promotion.He also proposed that it is necessary to promote the well -being of people's livelihood in high -quality development, stimulate new social needs in the protection of people's livelihood, and form a virtuous circle between economic development and people's livelihood protection.

In response to the real estate market, Han Wenxiu reiterated that it is necessary to continue to take effective measures from the sides of supply and demand to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.Balanced state.