Argentina on Friday (December 29) announced that it will not join the BRICS Group led by China.This is the latest measure of Argentina's newly -right -wing President Miller's diplomatic and economic policy.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse, Hong Kong South China Morning Post and Peninsula TV reported that Miller said in a letter to the leaders of the BRICS members of China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, and India, saying thatThe timing of Argentina's time to join the BRICS Group is "inappropriate."

He said that the way he handled diplomatic affairs was "different from the previous government in many aspects."In this sense, some decisions made by the last government will be re -examined.

Mirley also said that he was ready to meet with the leaders of the five member states of the BRICS Group.

The date of this letter is December 22, but the Argentine government announced this letter on Friday, the last working day of 2023.

Argentina was invited to join the BRICS groups consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in August this year. It is expected to start with Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia from January 1, 2024,Egypt and the United Arab Emirates officially joined the BRICS to form a group of 11 countries.

Argentina is currently in the economic crisis, with inflation rates exceeding 140%, and public debt accounts for 90%of the total domestic product.Argent's former left -wing president Alberto Fernandez believes that Argentina's joining the BRICS Group is an opportunity to enter the new market.

The BRICS countries currently account for about 40%of the world's population, accounting for more than a quarter of the world's GDP.

However, Miller defines herself as an anarchy during the campaign, and promises to implement a series of measures to relax the control of the economy.In terms of foreign policy, Miller advocates alliance with Western free countries, especially the United States and Israel, and stated that it will not maintain close diplomatic relations with China.