The latest polls in the Taiwan election show that the DPP's "Lai Xiao Biao" supports 40 %, and the Kuomintang "Hou Kangbing" is 11.1 percentage points.

The Electronics News of the Meilimao announced the latest polls on Thursday (December 28). Lai Xiao's support is 40.0%, Hou Kang is 28.9%, and the gap between the two parties is 11.1 percentage points, and the previous dayCompared with the results of the announced polls, the gap continues to pull.The support of the people's party "Ke Ying" was 17.6%, and continued to the bottom.

The trend of polls shows that the gap between the support of Lai Xiao and Hou Kang has gradually opened up. This poll is the first time that the support gap between the two -digit support is the first time.

The polls are carried out in the city.The survey was successfully visited by 1201 people, and the maximum value of the sampling error when the level of trust was 95%was ± 2.8%.

The Taiwan President's presidential candidate Lai Qingde's hometown of the Democratic Progressive Party in the opposition party in the wild party was illegal. The "Lai Pi Ling" incident once caused Lai Qingde's support to decline, and recently rose.

On the other side, the Democratic Progressive Party accused the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi, who was renting a dormitory in the Kaixuanyuan rental dormitory in Yangming Mountain to squeeze students.Hou Youyi's campaign office proposed to Lai Qingde and others on Wednesday and told Lai Qingde and others.

Taiwan's current political reviews believe that Lai Qingde has been out of trouble from "Lai Pi Ling", and "chartered Hou" is affecting the society's perception of Hou Youyi.