China and Philippine are further upgraded this week. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned that the Philippines had misjudgment of the situation on Wednesday (December 20), and even counted with each other's unsatisfactory external forces to continue to be troubled. ChinaRights protection and resolutely respond.The Philippine President President President President President said the next day that the Philippine State did not succumb to coercion and was still committed to strengthening the armed forces and existing alliances.

The scholars of the interviewees evaluated that Wang Yi's latest warning for the Philippines was quite severe. He hoped that Manila would stop the forces outside the territory to intervene in the South China Sea dispute.

According to the news released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi criticized the Philippines to continuously provoking trouble at sea and harming China's rights when they called the Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo on Wednesday.

Wang Yi evaluated the current China -Philippine relations facing serious difficulties, and has stood at the crossroads. Wherever he faces the choice, he calls on the Philippines to act carefully.

Manaro said in the statement on Thursday stated that he had "frank and frank communication" with Wang Yi, and also understood the position of each other more clearly at the end of the call.The two sides also noticed that "the importance of dialogue in solving these problems."

The tension of China and the Philippines recently has been upgraded in the tension in the South China Sea.On December 9th and 10th, a successive collision in the South China Sea .Pagota said in Tokyo last weekend that The Philippines will seek to be outside the United States and Japan outside the United States and JapanReach more military agreements with other countries .

Little Marco delivered a speech to the Philippine Army on Thursday, saying that the confrontation between China and China in the South China Sea and China were "worrying."He said: "(Recent incidents) to proudly show the courage of the Philippines against coercion, as well as our firm determination to protect and maintain territorial integrity."

Peng Nian, director of the Hong Kong Asia Research Center, analyzed in an interview with the United Zard that Wang Yi released a "strong warning signal" to the Philippines on Wednesday. He hoped that Manila would "step on the brakes" with military cooperation with out -of -domain forces.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Rajerinan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, also pointed out in an interview that Wang Yi's latest statement on the Philippines "is indeed relatively heavy and strict as a whole."

He believes that China and the Philippines have now fallen into a "vicious cycle": as a disadvantaged side, the Philippines has no choice but to rely on allies or other third -party forces to make contracts to China in the South China Sea;Provocation, and through a strong reaction to force the Philippines to soften its position.

Peng Nian pointed out that the Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo took the initiative to invite Wang Yi to call on Wednesday, indicating that Manila also realized that the recent conflict between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea has entered a "relatively uncontrollable scope".conflict.

Wang Yi also emphasized that on Wednesday, it was emphasized that the existing controversial discussions were the useful experience in China -Philippine relations. It was reiterated that Beijing has always been committed to solving differences through dialogue and negotiation to jointly maintain the stability of the sea.

Peng Nian pointed out that while issuing warnings, Wang Yi also retained the opportunity to talk to the Philippines, leaving the possibility for the Sino -Philippine dispute in the South China Sea and the overall transfer of China -Philippine relations.

Li Mingjiang studied and judged that Wang Yi emphasized that through diplomatic dialogue to cool down the overall situation, he hopes to fight for the best results in China in non -force, because this has a minimum impact on Beijing's security relations and geopolitics in regional regions.However, he believes that the dialogue currently sought in Beijing may not be able to solve the problem. The goal may be to fight for military conflicts and "try to prevent the situation from getting out of control quickly."

The Philippine Defense Director Torodo said on Thursday that the Philippines may be able to carry out multilateral patrols in the Western Philippines next year.

Peng Nian analyzed that on the occasion of the Philippine diplomatic system and China, the military continued to tough China. The main purpose was to pressure China to warn Beijing that they could not get in. "Wing in the South China Sea to make concessions "

Peng Nian expects that China and the Philippines are currently in the stage of close contact, and may reach the minimum consensus: "Both sides can fight or play, but they must be based on the premise of avoiding conflicts."

Li Mingjiang judged that it is likely to continue to confront the island and reefs with sovereignty disputes; Beijing will continue to intercept the Philippine ships in a "non -force, strong way".