Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate for the Kuomintang in Taiwan, announced the cross -strait political opinions, emphasizing that the cross -strait dialogue will give priority to "talking about human rights first", especially to ensure the personal freedom of the people of Taiwan in mainland China.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily and Central News Agency reported that Hou Youyi held a cross -strait policy and anti -red video release press conference on Thursday (December 21).Hou Youyi proposed cross -strait political opinions at the meeting, advocating that the cross -strait dialogue will take the "human rights" as the priority axis in the future, and proposes "two goals, three supervision channels, and four strategic vertical and deep main axes."

Hou Youyi criticized that the DPP's cross -strait policies have three major lacks. One is that the cross -strait dialogue is interrupted, the transactional negotiation dialogue stagnates, the lack of dialogue pipelines, and the risks cannot be controlled.The decision -making, lack of supervision, different words and deeds, and the legislative legislation of the cross -strait supervision regulations promised in the past eight years has not yet made progress.

For this reason, Hou Youyi proposed two goals. One is to defend Taiwan's security is the primary task; the other is to protect the human rights of Taiwan.He will use the cross -strait contact mechanism to prevent the people of Taiwan from interrogation, reservation and harassment, and strengthen the implementation of a 24 -hour notification of the people's personal freedom cases by the people of Taiwan, and incorporate the "administrative detention case" into the cross -strait judicial mutual aid agreement.

In terms of three supervision channels, Hou Youyi proposed that he will establish a "Congress Supervision, Judicial Supervision, and Youth Supervision" mechanism.The Taiwan Legislative Yuan will complete the legislation of the "Cross -Strait Agreement Supervision Regulations" within one year; in terms of judicial, establish the necessary social security network, strengthen the human and resources of inspection, adjustment, and trial to ensure that judicial independence and fair operations.The "Cross -Strait Affairs Committee" is set up in the Presidential Palace, consisting of young people aged 18 to 40 to ensure that the Legislative Yuan and the Executive Yuan implement the opinions of young people on cross -strait policies.

In terms of the four major strategies, Hou Youyi explained that the first is the depth of defense strategy. He will announce the "National Security Strategy of the Republic of China" within 10 months of the president."(Fun, dialogue, and reducing risks) further concretely to achieve the goal of promoting prosperity, ensuring democracy, and strengthening security; the second is the depth of dialogue strategy.Human rights and the goal of solving people's livelihood issues can reduce the hostility of cross -strait folk exchanges.

Hou Youyi continued to say that in terms of the depth of the law enforcement strategy, in addition to fully implementing the existing cross -strait judicial mutual assistance agreement, it will expand the judicial cooperation between Taiwan and other countries and regions within one year, so that government power will become the people of Taiwan.The most solid guarantee.

The depth of the economic strategy, Hou Youyi pointed out that in addition to actively joining regional trade agreements such as the comprehensive progress agreement (CPTPP) and the Indo -Pacific Economic Strang (IPEF), the cross -strait economy will be restarted within one year awayThe cooperation architecture agreement (ECFA) platform solves the mechanism of trade disputes. After the completion of the cross -strait agreement supervision regulations, the next cross -strait trade negotiations are gradually promoted.

In addition, in response to the suspension of some ECFA products in mainland China, Hou Youyi said that this not only helplessly helpless cross -strait goodwill, but also seriously hurt the emotions of the people of Taiwan.Otherwise, the industry will be impacted.Hou Youyi also criticized that there was a warning message when it announced that it had previously investigated the trade barriers. The ECFA may be suspended, but the DPP government has not proposed a specific plan to face and solve it in the past eight months.