It is revealed that Apple is accelerating the production Vision ProoMixed reality head wearing equipment is ready for the launch of the market in February next year.

According to Bloomberg News on Thursday (December 21), insiders who are unwilling to disclose their identity because the news has not been disclosed that this new product is producing at full speed in Chinese factories and it has continued for several weeks.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that this device will be ready before the end of January next year, and will be released on the retail channel the following month.

Apple sent an email to the software developer on Wednesday (December 20) to encourage themAs feedback.This is another sign of the product close to the release stage.

Vision Pro is the first new hardware product after Apple launched Apple Watch in 2015.It integrates virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology, which allows users to immerse themselves in the content of high -resolution display.Users can navigate in the application with their eyes and hands and search through voice.It can be used to watch movies, pictures or videos, as well as playing video games.

Vision PRO is expected to be priced at $ 3499 (about S $ 4652).

Bloomberg reported that this time it is the most complicated product release of Apple to date, and it requires a new sales strategy.This header contains custom components and needs to be assembled and packed at the sales point.If VISION Pro fails to properly fit the user's head, it cannot display the content appropriately, and it may make people feel particularly heavy.