(Sydney Comprehensive News) Sino -Australian trade relations have made new progress, and the Australian government is confident that China will revoke tariffs on Australian alcohol in early 2024.

Comprehensive British "Sky News" and Reuters, Australian Minister of Trade Farrell Sunday (December 17) said, "I am very confident that at the beginning of the New Year, we will get an ideal result from the Chinese official:China will lift the ban on Australia. "

Farrell pointed out that the Australian wine industry is entering the processing season, which is of great significance to wine manufacturers.

China used to be the largest wine export market in Australia.Before Farrell published the above comments, China Australia announced in October that it reached a consensus on disputes such as wine. The Ministry of Commerce of China also launched a review of Australian wines last month .

Former Australian Prime Minister Morrison had continued to be tense since the origin of the crown disease epidemic in 2020.In 2021, China has applied for Australian wines with a five -year and maximum tax rate of 218.4%. Australia subsequently complained to the World Trade Organization.

Australia's current Prime Minister Albanis visited China in November, and bilateral relations gradually recovered.In August, China terminated anti -dumping tax and anti -subsidy tax on imports of barley imports in Australia. At present, more than 300,000 tons of barley have been shipped to China.China also lifted the restrictions on the import of three Australian slaughter plants last week, but lobster and some beef products were still sanctioned.