(Beijing/Shanghai Comprehensive News) The People's Bank of China continued to invest 800 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, S $ 152.5 billion in S $ 152.5 billion) in December in December.This is also the 13th consecutive month of the People's Bank of China to continue MLF.

The People's Bank of China issued a announcement on Friday (December 15) that in order to maintain the impact of short -term factors such as the liquidity of the banking system, reasonable and abundant liquidity, hedge government bond issuance and payment, etc., at the same time, it would be appropriately supplying medium- and long -term basic currencies and carried out 50 billion yuan.The seven -day public market reverse repurchase operation and the first -year MLF operation of 1450 billion yuan, the winning bid interest rates were 1.80%and 2.50%, respectively, both the same as the previous period.

Hedry 650 billion yuan in one -year MLF on Friday. The central bank has invested 800 billion yuan through MLF this time to record the largest monthly sales in a record single month.

The People's Bank of China has continued MLF for 13 consecutive months.The financial industry quoted Wen Bin, chief economist of Minsheng Bank, analyzed that the central bank's move was first to alleviate the expectations of liquidity tensions and strengthen the collaborative needs of currency and fiscal policy.Supporting strength.

Bloomberg quoted French Industrial Bank analysts that a large number of MLF injection seemed to indicate that the central bank's deposit reserve rate was less likely to be lowered in the short term, and the central bank may still put foreign exchange stability first, and will not take radical stimulus measures.Essence