(Stockholm / Beijing Comprehensive News) The first European factory of China Telecom giant Huawei will start construction in France in 2024.This is also Huawei's first factory overseas.

Reuters Monday (December 11) quoted people familiar with the matter and said that Huawei will build a mobile network equipment factory in France next year.This is Huawei's first factory in Europe.

People familiar with the matter revealed that Huawei had invested 200 million euros (about S $ 289 million) in France in 2020, but the crown disease epidemic caused the plan to be delayed.

Huawei's French factory is located in the northeast city of Brumath, near the German border.People familiar with the matter did not disclose when the plant was completed and put into production.

However, a French government source said Huawei's French factory is expected to be officially operated in 2025.

According to the House and Fast Science and Technology of the Science and Technology Information Website, Zhang Minggang, deputy general manager of Huawei French Branch, confirmed the news earlier.He said on Sunday (December 10) that Huawei's first overseas factory will be completed in France and is expected to be put into production by the end of 2025.

This factory is expected to produce 1 billion yuan in annual output, but it is not a smartphone, but a chipset, motherboard and other parts required by 4G and 5G base stations, which can supply the entire European market.

Some European countries have restricted or prohibited the use of equipment that Huawei and another China telecommunications giant ZTE manufacturing on the grounds of security doubts.