China's decision -making level promises at the CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference that next year, it will strengthen macro policies against cycles and cross -periodic adjustments to consolidate and enhance economic recovery trends.The analysis predicts that China's economic growth target will remain at about 5 % next year.

This is the highest -level meeting of the economic situation next year, continuing the tone of the Politburo meeting of the Communist Party of China last week, emphasizing that we must adhere to the stability, promoting stability, stabilizing, and then break;The expression, such as strengthening policy tool innovation and coordinating coordination, enhancing the consistency of macro policy orientation.

The annual Central Economic Work Conference closed on Tuesday (December 12) in Beijing.The out-of-door meeting that was expected to be two-day was originally expected to be held after the official Chinese visit of Vietnam, but Chinese officials arrived in Vietnam at noon on the next day at the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the main challenges facing the current economy, including insufficient effective demand, overcapacity in some industries, weak social expectations, and many hidden risks, there are plugs in large domestic circles, the complexity, severe, and uncertainty of the external environmentAscend to wait.

The decision -making level shows that China will continue to implement positive fiscal policies and stable monetary policies next year.Fiscal policy must be moderate, improve quality and efficiency, and monetary policy must be flexible, moderate, accurate and effective.At the same time, China should strengthen the coordination of fiscal, currency, employment, industry, regional, science and technology, environmental protection and other policies, incorporate non -economic policy into the assessment of consistency of macro policy orientation, strengthen policy coordination, and ensure that they are in the same direction and form a joint force.

Wang Jun, the chief economist of Huatai Assets, accepted an analysis of the Lianhe Morning Post. Last week's Politburo Conference adjusted the setting of stable economic work in the past two years, and adjusted it to steady progress, promoting stability, standing first, and then establishing first.The first is to indicate that the focus of work has shifted from seeking stability to search, and the other is to include policy correction, implying that in the past few years, the excessive real estate industry policies such as real estate will be more cautious in the future.

On the basis of this, the Central Economic Work Conference extends a series of new puppets, such as enhancing the consistency of macroeconomic policy orientation.The subtext is to pay more attention to policy coordination, solve the problems of different policies in various fields, and better form a joint force.

Affected by internal and external problems such as weak property markets, poor domestic demand, and slowing global economic growth, China's economic recovery momentum has slowed down again in the fourth quarter of this year.The manufacturing procurement manager index (PMI) and consumptionThe price index (CPI) has decreased for two consecutive months.

International credit rating agency Moody's in the past week, Decreases the rating outlook for China's sovereign credit and eight major China banks , reflecting the market's concerns about the prospects of the world's second largest economy.

The meeting focused on the three major goals of enhancing economic vitality, preventing risks and improving social expectations, and proposed the nine major work directions, including leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, focusing on expanding domestic demand, deepening reform of key areas, expanding high levels of opening up, preventing resolution and resolution of resolution.Risk of key areas.

In terms of preventing and resolving risks, the conference specially points out that it is necessary to actively and steadily resolve real estate risks, promote the steady and healthy development of the property market, and accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development.In terms of deepening reform, the meeting required a new round of fiscal and taxation system reforms to implement the reform of the financial system.Wang Jun predicts that the relevant reform topics will be in