In response to the continuous fermented Taiwan Popping Rock Orchestra, Mayday was questioned the concert's fake singing controversy. The People's Daily commented that resisting the fake singing and insisting on true singing is the basic professional ethics of the majority of music workers.

Video website B has a blogger posted a video on November 30 to identify the authentic singing of the Shanghai concert on November 16 on May 16th, and found that some songs were fake singing, which caused controversy.The official said that he would analyze the original video and audio of the Mayian Shanghai concert and announced the results of the investigation.May Tianxie Company rumored that Mayday did not sing.

The official Weibo of "People's Daily" posted on Tuesday (December 5) and posted a Weibo saying whether it was true or fake singing. I believe there will be scientific and objective investigation results.The concern and discussion on the problem of fake singing issues is worthy of considering all parties.Resisting fake singing and insisting on true singing is the basic professional ethics of the majority of music workers.

The comment said that there are many audiences in the concert, the fares are expensive, the true feelings, and the performance on the spot, improvisation interaction, is the unique charm of live singing.Any type of counterpart of singers is irresponsible to consumers.

The comments also say that the audience's reasonable doubts, complaint opinions, and the performers and organizers of the concert must be faced in front of them.Cultural authorities must also strengthen supervision so that fake singing behaviors have nowhere to hide.True singing and real performance are the duty of entertainers, and also the cornerstone of the acting star with market appeal.

The topic "People's Daily Review Mayday suspected fake singing" also appeared on Wednesday (December 6).