(Xichang Comprehensive News) Squatting squatting on Liangshan, Sichuan, China caused heated discussions. The official response said that this move was to correct traditional bad habits.

Comprehensive surging news, Jiupai News, etc., a netizen in Xichang City, Liangshan, Sichuan issued a video that local grid members have entered home inspections many times to interfere with residents to squat to eat.The netizen also pointed out that squatting to eat is a local custom, and the dining posture should be personal freedom.

Grid members are temporarily hired by the government and are responsible for collecting information and execution policies in the divided community or village "grid".

Video has caused heated discussions. Many netizens believe that this habit does not affect others and does not need to be corrected; some people say that the official managed too widely, "squatting outside to eat is really not good, but at your own homeIs it? " The staff of the spiritual civilization office of Xichang City responded on December 1 that this is a special rectification of the rules and bad habits. Because it is unsanitary and unhygienic to eat on the ground, it is required to eat on the table.The staff also said that the villagers in the mountains will be hygienic to be affected by feces and other stools on the ground.

Liangshan Prefecture issued a notice on the treatment of squatting dining in July last year; the Yuexi County Party Committee of Liangshan Prefecture also emphasized that it is necessary to "completely change" and sit on the ground and squat to eat.

The New Rural Village Committee of Puge County, Liangshan also announced the standard of crowd environmental fines for the beautiful rural acts in the new rural areas last month.In this regard, the spiritual civilization office of Xichang City stated: "Formation is the regulations of villages or communities, and villagers may have participated in discussions."