With the high incidence of respiratory diseases in various parts of China recently, some netizens broke the news that the health code (also known as green code) has returned in some areas.measure.

The so -called green code is a proof that the residents who have officially launched the residents' officially launched by Chinese officials during the crown disease epidemic situation. Residents can enter and exit public places with this code.In order to maintain the green code, residents must regularly test nucleic acid detection and vaccine.

After the outbreak of the crown disease in early 2020, the Chinese people have undergone strict control measures for nearly three years.Doing nuclear acid and checking health codes is part of the daily life of the people. The phenomenon of one person infected with the entire community of the virus and the isolation of the whole city is not uncommon. It has brought great inconvenience to the lives of the people, and also caused heavy blows of China's economy and people's livelihood.Although the epidemic control has been relaxed from all over China last December, the economic downturn caused by the epidemic has not yet fully recovered.It can be said that the epidemic in the past three years has affected the psychological shadow of many people's lingering, and the green code was an important sign of the official strict control of the epidemic.

According to media reports such as top news and Guangming.com, on December 1, some netizens found that Sichuan Tianfu's health code and Guangdong Yuekang code all showed green codes.Then, netizens in Zhejiang, Hubei, Hebei, Shaanxi, Liaoning and other places also discovered the green code.

It is said that the health code of various places has been offline as early as the first quarter of this year.When Yuekang Code was offline in February this year, it officially issued an announcement saying that the off -line services will also destroy all data related to services in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and effectively ensure personal information security.

Some reporters called the Guangzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission and the Mayor's hotline as citizens. The staff of the Health and Health Commission said that the incident could not be jurisdiction.Mayor hotline staff said that when you query, you can also see the green code.However, the staff member said it did not affect life and travel.

The emergence of

Green code reminds some of the painful memories during the strict control of the epidemic.Some netizens said that they were "scared directly"; some netizens ridiculed that the return of green code is a "ghost story" suitable for night in the bedroom.

Some netizens have also linked the green code to the recent popular respiratory diseases, fearing that the official may restart the green code inspection to control the spread of the disease.Some people have speculated that certain interest groups may encourage the official to restart the green code inspection in order to make a profit from it.

In fact, after China's liberalization of the epidemic control, the health code of some places has not been completely offline, but it has withdrawn from people's daily life.Because many people do not use it for a long time, the health code login information will expire. If you log in again, you may see the green code again.

Green code itself is not terrible. People are worried that strict control measures such as sealing cities and seals that appear during the epidemic are also heavy.Fear.

Of course, Chinese officials will not easily start the strict control during the epidemic, because the pressure that the three -year epidemic control to high -level and local officials is not less than that of ordinary people.

However, China's recent high incidence of respiratory diseases has indeed aroused international attention.The World Health Organization officially requested China to provide detailed information on the increase in respiratory diseases and the emergence of children's aggregate pneumonia.

According to the official website of the WHO, on November 23, the China Disease Control and Prevention and Control Center and Beijing Children's Hospital and the WHO experts shall hold a conference conference, and should be required to provide relevant cases of respiratory diseases and children with pneumonia.Add details.Data show that since May, the number of children who have been infected with mycoplasma pneumonia and respiratory hypotonal virus infection have increased.In addition, in view of the cancellation of epidemic prevention restrictions, some growth in adenovirus and influenza viruses has appeared earlier than in history, but no abnormal or new pathogen or abnormal clinical manifestations have been found, including Beijing and Liaoning.

But for the increase in Chinese respiratory diseases, some US members have called on the US government to restrict the exchanges between China and the United States.According to Reuters, five members of the Republican leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee Rubio wrote to the president on December 1 that "we should immediately limit the travel between China and the United States until we can better understand this new disease"



Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, retorted that the claims of members such as Rubio were "purely malicious fabrication and China resolutely opposed."

Although an official of the Biden government said that the United States was closely monitoring the rise of China's respiratory diseases, it was said that "no abnormal phenomenon was found ... There are no signs at present, and the people who go to the U.S. emergency room for medical treatment have an outbreak with Chinese respiratory diseases.There are any associations. "

Is the current high -incidence of respiratory diseases?

Mi Feng, a spokesperson for the National Health and Health Commission with a very high appearance rate during the epidemic, introduced that according to monitoring, the current popular acute respiratory diseases are caused by known diseases.New hair infectious disease caused by bacteria.

Mi Feng said that the National Health and Health Commission will increase the supply of medical services and promote the pediatric clinics of various medical institutions such as traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, maternal and child health hospitals, and other levels of medical institutions.Outpatient clinics, extend the service time, expand the hospital bed, and continuously optimize the process of registering, examination, payment, etc.

At present, some netizens are worried that the official restarting check the green code may be a misunderstanding, but their fear of returning to the time of the seal is true.However, for the Chinese people and officials who have experienced three years of pain, no one wants to return to the premium and control status of painting in the painting place for the extreme situation of the last resort.